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Jason's POV

My name is Jason Michael Miller and i was born on January 30, 1994 to Abby Lee Miller, who is a dance teacher in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and my grandmother, Maryen Lorrain Miller is a former dance teacher. My father was killed three weeks before my birth after he was accidentally hit by a car so i never got to know him.

Me and my mom have a very special, unbreakable bond and no matter what came our way, we faced it together and we always have each other's backs. She also raised me very well and taught me how to be independent and strong when things were looking down and she always comforts me when i cry or have a bad day and whenever she came home from the studio, the house was clean thanks to me cleaning up the house.

When i was 2 years old, Mom brought a dog home and she was named Broadway Baby and she took a liking to me and i took a liking to her as well. We took her out for walks in the park, fed her and played with her.

I was also homeschooled because of what Momma and Grandma heard when someone was bullied and the bully got his comeuppance a week later and when they told me, i was scared and because of being homeschooled, i frequently went to the studio with mom and even at a young age, i helped her out with the routines and selected the music.

Since i was 2, my mother has trained me to be a dancer and for hours she would work with me on movements either at home in the private studio at home or at the Abby Lee Dance Company and between the ages of 8 and 15, i became a 7 time national champion and was undefeated and have a lot of titles.

I graduated from homeschooling thanks to my wonderful grades, mostly A's and B's and ever since, i've not only spent my time at home even though i'm rich, i've also spent my time at the studio.

I've also grown close to the girls and their moms ever since they started taking classes at the studio and also for some reason, Brooke frequently looked at me and i looked at her. I think she has a crush on me, but i don't know.

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