Chapter 17: Paige the party pooper and Awkwardness

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The next day, Jason walked into the studio and placed his bag on the desk very carefully as he sat down at the front desk and began to read a book. He brought his dancing bag because Abby had told him that he was needed for a duet with Brooke, but in the back of his mind, he thought that Brooke was still upset with him over her seeing Payton kiss him the previous day.

"Are you ok, son?" Abby asked her son with a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah, but i still can't believe Payton stuck her nasty tongue and i had to use mouthwash three times when i got home. She ruined a friendship between Brooke and myself and Brooke might not want to speak to me again.."

"You know Brooke still likes you, i'm sure of it because she might have found out the truth on what happened in the dressing room, Chloe and Mackenzie both told me the story." Abby stated.

"I hope so." Jason said as Abby gave him a kiss on his cheek and headed to her office as he stayed at the front desk and continued to read his book.

Then after a few minutes, he decided to go into the dancer's den and listen to some music and he was all in his own world, whenever he had to rehearse for a competition, Music helped him out whenever he got nervous and then he was nodding his head to the song until a voice interrupted his thoughts even though he had headphones


Jason looked up and standing in front of him was Brooke, who had a look of remorse because at the sleepover with the other girls, Chloe and Mackenzie had told her the truth over what really happened in the dancers den as she walked over to him.

"Oh, hi Brooke."

"Look, i know that you're still kinda upset about what happened, but can i talk to you please?" She asked him.

Jason nodded as Brooke walked into the dancers den to talk to him and she sat down next to him as he felt electricity from Brooke sitting next to him, but he was hoping that she found out the truth.

"Look, i'm sorry i didn't believe you when you told me that Payton came on to you and you didn't come on to her, but Mackenzie and Chloe cleared the air last night at a sleepover, i should have known that you didn't like Payton like that, but you only liked her like a sibling and i jumped to conclusions before i knew the whole story. Can you forgive me?"

"I forgive you, Brooke."

Brooke gave a smile at him as the two shared a hug, they felt sparks shooting through each other, warmth surrounded them and fireworks exploding everywhere when they hugged. They never wanted it to end as they both let go.

"To be honest, i knew she was being bossy the moment we did a kiss from a rose at the recital, she thought she was better than everybody, but when i danced with you to I've had the time of my life, i felt more magic with you because i love being around you."

"We have a lot in common, our moms can be crazy, we love to dance and sing, we can make each other laugh, we both have long brown hair and we help everyone we love feel better when they're feeling down." Brooke admitted and then she noticed that he was looking deeply at her blue eyes with his green eyes and then she smiled, which got a smile back from him.

"This is the moment that we've been waiting for since we first met." Jason thought to himself as he felt giddy inside.

"Please kiss me, Jason. i can't wait any longer." Brooke thought as she and Jason continued to stare at each other, then they slowly began to lean in

"Paige, you and Chloe are the biggest party poopers and chose to interrupt us at the last second!" Brooke groaned to herself as Paige and Chloe had just walked in, preventing what could have been a magical moment and they both sat in between Brooke and Jason and that really annoyed them.

"Were you two about to kiss?" Paige asked her older sister and Jason.

", we were just having a staring contest to see who could stare the longest without blinking, Paige." Jason nervously said as they inced away from each other.

"Yeah, i was about to win until you guys opened the door." Brooke added.

"Oh, please." Chloe rolled her eyes with a on her face. "We're not stupid, you two weren't having a staring contest and we noticed that you two were leaning in, looking like you were about to kiss."

Then Brooke and Jason both looked at each other awkwardly. "Um, we gotta go, Miss Abby is calling us to work on our duet." Brooke said as She and Jason both got up and left the den and Headed to Studio A as Chloe and Paige both looked on with grins on their faces, they both knew Jason and Brooke liked each other, but they were trying to hide it and they knew they were seconds away from kissing.

"Did you see their expressions when we walked in?" Paige asked, but in the back of her mind, she wanted to see her older sister date Jason.

"Yep, they can deny it all they want to, but i know they weren't having a staring contest, they were gonna kiss and i could tell they wanted to kiss until we both came in." Chloe added as the twinnies both began to laugh and high five.

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