Chapter 9: Heart to Heart

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It was a week before the Abby Lee Dance Company had their annual concert and everyone was rehearsing their numbers for the event which was gonna be on a sunday and in Abby's office, Abby was doing some paperwork and then a knock was heard on the door.

"Come in!" Abby called to the person that knocked on the door and the door opened and peeking their head in was Jason, she looked up and saw him with his head inside the office and from the way he was looking, he needed to get something off of his chest.


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure thing, you know you can always talk to me whenever you have a problem. What's on your mind, is everything ok?" She asked as Jason took a seat and they looked straightforward at each other.

"It's about Payton and Brooke." Jason said as he looked up at his mother, who smiled because she thought he had his mind made up on who he wanted to be with.

"Have you decided who you want to be with?"

"I still haven't decided on who would be the one for me because to be honest, one minute i want to be with Payton and another minute, i want to be with Brooke and those two dates you set me up on still hasn't made my heart decide on who i want to be with, so what do you think i should do?"

"Jason, i understand how hard this must be for you, but you've just got to follow your heart and do what feels right and i'm gonna help you in this situation, and in order to find out who is right for you, i've assigned two duets for you. You'll do one with Payton called Kiss From A Rose and the other one will be with Brooke and that will be called I've had the time of my life."

"Hopefully, it'll help me decide on who's right for me and thank you, Mom. I really needed someone to talk to about this situation." Jason spoke softly as he stood up and then hugged his mother tight to show how much he appreciated what she had told him. "I love you so much."

Abby hugged her son back and told him, "I love you too, baby. No matter what your decision is, i am very proud of you and want you to be happy." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and he left the office.

Jason decided to go into the den and listen to some music on his MP3 Player and while he was listening to some of his favorite songs and in the middle of the song he began to dance as Mackenzie, Maddie, Chloe, Nia and Paige all walked in and saw him dance.

"What are you doing?" Mackenzie asked Jason, who turned around and saw the five girls standing there and it caused him to tumble and fall, it made them all laugh as he got up and took the headphones off.

"Hey, i was just listening to some music on my MP3 player and i just couldn't help but dance." Jason admitted.

"What do you think of Brooke these days?" Paige asked, that question made Jason blush as he stammered.

"She's beautiful and funny."

"Do you like her?" Maddie then asked.

"Yeah, but we're just friends that depend on each other." Jason said as the girls began to playfully tease him by chanting "You Like Brooke!" and that embarrassed him to no end as he finally got up and left as Payton was listening and was angry that none of the girls mentioned her.

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