Chapter 21: Reunited

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A month had passed and everything in Jason's mansion was set. It was december and unlike the cold weather in Pittsburgh, the weather in California was warm year round and it was 70 degrees.

It was a saturday morning and at 7:30 AM, Jason woke up in his master bedroom and got up from the bed, then he made his bed, headed to the bathroom to take a shower and after 20 minutes, he came out of the bathroom with his hair hanging down, he was wearing a black t-shirt, black sweatpants and adidas sandals as he headed to the kitchen and got things ready for breakfast, then a knock on the door was heard.

"Newspaper!" A voice called.

"I'm coming!" Jason called as he had finished making breakfast and on the table were bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, hash browns, pancakes, orange juice and milk as he headed to the door to get the newspaper and when he opened the door, a shocked look was on his face because standing there was Abby, who was wearing her usual black attire.

"Mom?" Jason said, still shocked.

"Hi, Jason." Abby greeted as her voice slightly cracked.

Tears of joy came to Jason's eyes, he couldn't believe it! He was so overwhelmed, the tears that Jason tried to hold back had started to fall as he began to cry openly, he was so happy to see his mother and then, Abby began to cry as well as Jason threw himself in his mother's arms.

"I missed you so much, mom!" Jason said, crying harder in his mother's shoulder as he hugged his mother and did not want to let go whatsoever as Abby wrapped her arms around him.

"I missed you too, baby." Abby admitted, her voice breaking as she rocked her emotional son as she continued crying as well. She kissed him on the side of his head. Finally, mother and son were reunited for the first time after not seeing each other for a month and they did not want to end this moment. Then after 5 minutes of hugging and shedding tears, they let go as Abby walked inside of the house and was amazed by the interior of the house that her son won in a contest months ago. "Wow, is the Buckingham Palace or what?!"

"It may not be the Buckingham Palace, but i call it the Palace of Jason and you're my very first visitor, do you like my new house?"

"I love it!" Abby exclaimed, then she smelled breakfast from the kitchen. "And to be honest, i'm hungry as well."

"What time did you get here?"

"I left at 3:30 AM and my flight was non stop and i arrived at 7:00." Abby replied as they began to eat breakfast, it was a wonderful moment because they were apart for a month and it felt good.

"Mom, to be honest, thanksgiving wasn't the same without you because i see two chairs and i envision that you, Broadway Baby and grandma are sitting there." Jason admitted as he took a bite of some pancakes.

"You're so sweet, son. Thanksgiving was lonely without you back in pittsburgh, the girls and their families were there for me and your grandma, but we all wished that you were there and Maddie sat in the chair you usually sat in and after everyone left, i cried but Brooke stayed to dry my tears and she was sad as well that you weren't there."

"Speaking of the girls and the ALDC, Where are they?" He asked as they continued to eat breakfast.

"Oh, they couldn't make it, they wanted to see you so much, especially Brooke but they had a competition as Gianna was in charge of them." Abby lied smoothly, hoping that Jason didn't catch on to what she was up to.

"I bet they'll win like usual." Jason said as Abby breathed a huge sigh of relief that he did not catch on to what she had planned for him and after breakfast, Jason headed upstairs to change some towels that were used earlier to the fresh, clean ones that had yet to be used and the towels were colored black.

"Jason, can you come to the kitchen so we can clean up from eating breakfast?" Abby called.

"Coming, Mom!" Jason replied as he was coming from the bathroom after he had changed the towels from the ones he used to fresh ones that haven't been used yet and he came back to the kitchen and little did he know, he was about to get the surprise of his life.

"SURPRISE!!!!!" The girls and their moms all screamed as they popped up from under the counter and table in the kitchen.

Jason had a shocked look on his face at first, he then pinched himself to see if this was a dream, but it wasn't a dream, it was reality as the girls and their moms were standing in front of him. The shocked look on his face was replaced with a big smile as the girls all ran to him and hugged him.

"It's great to see you again!" Paige exclaimed, happy to be reunited with Jason as she hugged him and eventually Chloe joined in on the hug.

"Paigey mack and i missed you!" Chloe said, really overjoyed like everybody else was because they hadn't seen Jason in a month and this was a reunion that he was gonna remember.

"Yeah, it wasn't the same without you." Melissa added, giving him a kiss on the cheek as Christi wrapped her arms around Jason.

"Yeah, ever since you left, your mom was all moody and we were all like, Jason come back, we need you!" Christi whispered.

"What did you say, Christi?" Abby asked with a glare to Christi, who just simply whistled a little tune which made everybody laugh, they enjoyed it when Christi unleashed her humor.

"I missed you, big bro." Mackenzie said, giving Jason a hug.

"Me too." Maddie added, joining in on the hug.

"Missed you two a lot, Mads and Kenzie." Jason replied as he hugged them back, he had a very special bond with Maddie and Mackenzie because he hung out with them the most and then Brooke smiled at Jason.

"I missed you a lot!" Brooke exclaimed with a sly smile, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. "Did you miss me?"

"Yes, how could i not miss seeing your beautiful face, Brookie Cookie?" He asked as Brooke then kissed him quickly, which made his heart beat a million miles and whenever she kissed him, he would have a huge grin on his face. "I thought you were all at a competition."

"Jason, in case i forgot to tell you why the girls and their moms weren't at competition, we and the rest of the ALDC all moved here to california last week! we didn't want to tell you, we wanted to surprise you!"

A huge smile crossed Jason's face, that was the best news he had ever received because he missed them and was finally reunited with them all as the girls all ran and gave him another hug and even the moms hugged him.

"That's the best surprise i've gotten." Jason chuckled.

"I bet it is. And also, the location of the studio is now currently at Figueroa Street and Pico Boulevard." Melissa added, letting him know where the dance studio was gonna be at.

Then at around 1:00 PM, the girls were all in the backyard of Jason's house and were just playing and having fun as the adults came out with lemonade that Jason had made for them earlier.

"Here's to Los Angeles!" Melissa said.

"Here, Here!" the other moms said, toasting to living in los angeles.

Jason walked over to the pool and he slipped his feet out of his sandals and put his feet in the water as the girls were doing some aerials in the garden with their moms sitting near the pool, he shivered because it was cold. "Too cold, this guy is not gonna get in there. No way, no how."

Then all of a sudden, Jason felt a hand on his back and it pushed him in the pool and a loud splash was heard, and when he surfaced from the water, he saw that Abby was standing there, laughing her head off.

"Mom!" Jason bellowed as he flicked his wet hair back. "What was that for?!"

"I did that because i love you and you were caught off guard!" Abby laughed, then she got sent sailing in the pool as Brooke and Maddie both ran to avoid the potential wrath of their dance teacher as Abby resurfaced from being pushed in the pool. Eventually Abby found out it was Brooke and Maddie and she yelled at them, and through the remainder of that day, Brooke and Jason laid in the hammock as Brooke felt the warmth of Jason's arms wrapped around her for the first time in a month. Jason was happy to have a beautiful girlfriend in his arms and Brooke was happy to have a hunk of a boyfriend holding her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2014 ⏰

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