Chapter 2: Pyramid and Assignments

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A minute later, Jason came in and stood next to Abby, awaiting the girls and their moms to come in and get started on this week's rehearsals.

"Let's go, girls! Let's go!" Abby shouted as the girls walked into the studio in their dance wear, whenever they hear that voice, they know it's showtime as their moms come in without their shoes and stand to watch as Abby and Jason stood in front of them.

"This past weekend at starbound was a real hot mess, only one of you placed at the competition and don't get me started on your duet, Brooke! that was the most sloppiest dancing i have ever seen in my life!" Abby said, looking mad as Brooke looked sad when her dance teacher mentioned the duet between her and Brandon, which was a disaster.

"At the bottom we have Mackenzie." Abby stated as she revealed Mackenzie's headshot. "You didn't have a solo and you weren't in the group dance, so there's not much to judge you on." Mackenzie nodded.

"Next we have....Brooke." Abby revealed Brooke's headshot. "Your duet with Brandon that was called snapshot was a HOT MESS! you two tripped on each other and when he lifted you, you fell on him! You and Brandon didn't connect like i wanted you to connect."

"Next on the pyramid is Nia. Your knees were not straightened, your feet were not pointed, they were sickled."

"Next, Chloe." Abby stated, revealing the headshot of Chloe. "You did good, but you need to bring it when you're on that stage!"

"Next is...Paige." Abby said, revealing Paige's headshot. "Paige, you did an amazing job in the group dance, but i want to see more from you. Jason can you do the honors of revealing who's at the top of the pyramid?"

"Sure thing, Mom. And on top of the pyramid is Maddie!" Jason said, revealing "Maddie you did a wonderful job in your solo and saved the day when you became the overall winner at starpower."

Maddie nodded as the young man that she and the other girls considered an older brother smiled, Melissa smiled and Abby gave a smile, no wonder why Abby and Jason were close to the zieglers, they had dinner together and spent time outside of the studio.

"Maddie, you're gonna do a solo called Red Nightmare, Chloe you're also gonna be doing a solo and it's gonna be called drowning in sounds and Paige will do a solo also and that's gonna be called Bad Explosion. and everybody is gonna be in the group dance and that's gonna be called we are a family and Brooke is gonna be the lead by playing the mom."

"Miss Abby, who is the mystery male that's gonna be playing the father in this group dance?"

"The person that's going to play the father in this group dance will be the person that is making a temporary return to the team, my son Jason!" Abby responded, pointing at her son, who has a grin on his face.

The girls have estatic looks on their faces as they run to Jason and hug him, knowing that it was gonna be their first time dancing with the son of Abby. Jason was one of the best dancers in his mother's studio and he hadn't danced for months since graduating from the studio.

"This weekend, we will be going to Starpower in Atlantic City, New Jersey." Abby told everyone as they nodded, but in the back of Jason's mind, the moms might do something stupid that might make one of the girls feel the wrath of their dance teacher as Jason raised his hand. "Jason?"

"I love traveling because we all get to learn some new things." Jason said as the girls nodded their agreement, which gets a smile from Abby.

"That's good, Moms, out! Girls, spread apart." Abby ordered as the moms left the studio and headed upstairs to the observation room, also known to them as dance jail because every week they have to deal with Abby constantly yelling so much at their daughters.

Jason then headed out of the room and walked toward his mother's office and knocked on the door four times.


"Mom?" Jason called as he entered and sat on the chair looking at his mother, they knew he hadn't danced in months. "Can i talk to you before we start rehearsing on the group dance?"

"Sure, you can always talk to me about anything and i've told you before whatever is on your mind, don't be afraid to tell me." Abby replied sweetly as she looked at her son.

"I haven't danced for a lot of months, but i'm afraid i might be rusty and ruin the group dance and i don't want to do that, i want to help make it one of the best dances you've choreographed and dance to the best of my ability like you taught me ever since i was little."

"Ohh, sweetheart. I know you haven't danced in a while but don't worry about that. We'll work it out and get rid of the rust you may have and hopefully it works out for the best." Abby replied.

"Let's hope so." Jason said.

"Come on, let's go back into the studio to start rehearsal." Abby said, putting an arm around Jason's shoulder as they both headed back to the studio.

"Hopefully, we can have a day where the moms won't harass you for yelling at their daughters, especially Kelly and Christi."

"When it comes to those two, i wouldn't count on that." Abby said, then she let Jason go into the bathroom and change into some dance clothes.

Sorry if it was so short! chapter 3 will be next.

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