Chapter 5: Caught between the two

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The next monday after the competition on saturday, Jason had arrived with Abby and noticeably, he did not have his dancing bag because he was told that this week he wouldn't be needed for any dance.

"Since i'm not needed for dance this week, what can i do?" Jason asked his mother.

"You're always welcome to help out, do you want to help me with pyramid today and set it up for me?" Abby asked her son as he nodded.

"Sure thing." Jason got up from his seat and walked into Studio A and got the pictures of the girls and began to set the pyramid up and covered them up so they could be unveiled when the girls and their moms were in there with them.

"Come on, come on! we've got duty to do!" Abby shouted as Maddie, Mackenzie, Nia, Brooke, Paige, Chloe and Vivi all walked in with their moms right behind them in their bare feet so they would not ruin the floor with their shoes as they stood there, looking at the dance teacher and her son.

"This recent weekend at was a huge success, we beat the competition and showed them that the Abby Lee Dance Company will always be on top!" Abby stated as the girls, moms and Jason applauded. "Now let's get started with pyramid.

Some of the moms groaned under their breath because that was the part that they didn't like.

"First, on the bottom of the pyramid we have..." Abby revealed the first photo on the bottom of the pyramid. "Vivi. You were only in the group dance and you didn't have a solo so there's nothing to judge you on."

"Next we have....Nia." Jason stated as he revealed Nia's headshot. "How many times does mom have to tell you, straighten those feet and your knees, they're being bent and sickled!"

"Next on the pyramid, we have....Mackenzie." Abby said as she revealed Mackenzie's headshot. "Mackenzie, you can let the chips go and focus on dancing and you missed a turn in the group dance."

"Next...Paige." Jason revealed Paige's headshot. "Paige, you're getting there, but your piques need a lot of work, mom and i know you can do it!"

"Next is...Chloe." Abby said as she Revealed the headshot of Chloe. "You're an great dancer, but you have to do some tuning on your turns."

"Up next....Maddie." Jason said as he revealed the headshot of the ALDC prodigy. "Maddie, you did a good job, but to be honest, you could have done great even though you got first in your division." Maddie nodded to show that she is listening.

"And last but not least, on top of the pyramid is....Brooke!" As soon as Abby revealed her headshot on top of the pyramid, Brooke had a big grin on her face as she turned to wink at Jason, who smiled at her as Kelly grinned. "Brooke, it has been so long since you've dance so well and you connected with Jason so easily! Maybe Brandon could take some notes from him on how to dance with a partner."

Brooke nodded as she gave Jason another wink, which made him blush.

"Brooke, you will have a solo, Maddie you'll have a solo, Vivi you'll have a solo and Chloe and Paige will do a duet and everyone will be in the group dance." Abby explained as the girls nodded.

"Ok, we have a lot of work to do, so moms, you're dismissed. Girls, spread apart." Jason instructed as the moms left the studio room and the girls all spread apart and began stretching and Jason taught them the moves and at one point, he put his hand on his hip and did a girly pose for the girls to do.

"Very idea, Jay! you look like a girly girl!" Abby playfully teased her son while she sees him do that pose as the girls busted up laughing at the jab that their dance teacher took at Jason, who just simply rolled his eyes and even the moms in the viewing room were laughing.

"He is so funny!" Melissa laughed.

"Only Jason can do something funny like that!" Holly added.

"Jason does look like a girly girl doing that pose." Kelly chortled, but she knew that he looked cute and was hoping that he would be the one for Brooke as Cathy rolled her eyes, she knows that Vivi could dance better than any of the girls.

"I know, right?" Christi agreed.

"Says the lazy instructor who doesn't move her big butt from the mats!" Jason retorted as the moms fell to the ground laughing and the girls laughed their heads off after hearing the jab that he gave Abby, who instead of getting offended, just laughed and after 30 minutes of rehearsing the group dance, it was time to work on Brooke's solo as Jason was doing some paperwork.

"Brooke, your solo is going to be called Controversy, the dance is about disagreeing when something is prolonged, public and heated." Abby explained as Brooke listened intently, then Gianna was playing the music and at first, Brooke was dancing like her old self, then in the middle of the song, she started slacking and Abby was mad.

"BROOKE! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! You were dancing well last time and now you're slacking!" Abby screeched from seeing Brooke slacking, the way she yelled, the sound barrier could have been shattered into a million pieces as Jason winced from hearing his mother yell all the way from the front desk. "In order to get you back to your old self, i'm gonna bring someone in to do the dance, but you'll still do it at the competition. Payton, come in!" Then the door that leads to the dancer's den opened and a tall girl around Brooke's age named Payton Ackerman came in and did the dance to psych Brooke out and when they were in private, she walked up to Brooke with a glare.

"You better stop messing with my boyfriend, i saw you drooling over Jason and how you had that twinkle in your eye everytime you look at him. You better watch your back because you'll never have him." Payton warned the older Hyland as she left, but Brooke was unfazed and rolled her eyes as she knew Payton would never have Jason, who looked on, knowing that Brooke and Payton were fighting over him and then Maddie and Chloe rehearsed their solos. Maddie's solo was called Tightrope and Chloe's solo was called Rescue Me and during Chloe's solo rehearsal, she mistakenly invented choreography and that ticked Abby off.

"CHLOE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU ARE DUMB FOR INVENTING CHOREOGRAPHY!" Abby yelled, but what she didn't know was that Chloe

"Miss Abby, i--"

"if you listened and you werent truing to be choreographer, you'd be a better dancer, but you're nowhere near maddie, you'll never be like her!" Abby stated coldly as Christi came downstairs as Chloe ran out of the studio crying as Christi and Abby got into another argument as Jason overheard and went to find Chloe and he found her crying in the den.

"What's wrong, Chloe?" Jason asked, looking concerned as he put an arm around her.

"Your mom was working with me on my solo and i accidentally made up some moves and then she yelled at me and called me dumb for inventing choreography but actually i just didn't know what Miss Abby told me and then she started yelling at me again telling me that i'm nowhere near maddie and now my ." Chloe explained as more tears fell from her eyes.

"Chloe, look at me. You can only dance like Chloe Lukasiak can, and Maddie can dance like Maddie Ziegler. The only reason why Mom compares you two is because she sees potential and talent, i know she says some things that hurt people in the studio, but at the end of the day, she doesn't mean it." Jason said as he gave Chloe a hug, then he got up and began to do a silly dance as Chloe's crying turned into laughter, then he left and headed into Studio A and saw Abby with regret on her face.

"Hi, mom. What's wrong?"

"Jason, do you think i was out of line calling Chloe dumb?" Abby asked as Jason held his mother's hands.

"Mom, i love you and always will, but to be honest, that was out of line. Chloe made a mistake, she just didn't know what you were telling her and because of that, she made up those moves." Jason said.

Abby knew her son was right, she had said something to Chloe and hurt her feelings without thinking clearly. "I guess i've got to apologize. Chloe, can you come in here?"

Chloe walked in nervously, expecting Abby to yell at her again.

"Chloe, i didn't mean to call you dumb and i was out of line and it was uncalled for and i'm sorry, but next time, just listen to the moves i give you." Abby told the young dancer, who nodded and got a hug, then they worked on the solo and rehearsals went on without drama.

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