" Different Worlds " ~[[ Clyde, Oneshot ]]~

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~~ Clyde x Isolated!Reader

Y/n - Your name
N/n - Nickname
H/l - Hair length ~~

[[ Y/n's Pov ]]

" Don't you feel lonely living in your own world? "

Those were the first words he had ever said to me. He was the first person to speak to me all year. He hadn't cared about the rumors at all.

" Don't you feel powerless living in everyone else's? "

Even after all the warnings, he came to get to know me personally. I'm glad he did.

" I'm not powerless if I live in a world side by side with others. "

He was a good kid. He cried a lot, but it made him cute. He was emotional and sensitive... It was nice to get to know him.

" Touché. "

But after a while, he just started avoiding me. He became distant towards me, he stopped talking to me entirely.

"Clyde!" I called out, cupping my hands around my mouth. He sped up, and I tried to catch up to him.

He went faster into a full on sprint, and I came to a stop without putting up a fight, sighing lightly.

"I guess he just hates me.."


I have no idea what I did, but if I knew, I would take it all back forever.

I just miss him... So much...

I don't get it though. I haven't felt anything all my life but loneliness. I never had hopes, dreams, or felt anything else. But when I met him... I felt something new.

I hated it.

There was a warm feeling in my heart whenever I saw him, and because of this, I began avoiding him as well.

I hated whatever feeling he made me feel- I didn't even know what it was! Love? Worry? I didn't know. I had never felt it, I didn't know what it felt like to feel so...


So, I tried my hardest to avoid school. To avoid classes with him. Heck, I even tried to move towns. But everytime I tried...

I always found myself at the same spot I had met him.


Seeing if he would ever come.

But he never did... At least, never in my sight.

Until tonight.

"N/n..?" I heard him murmur. I sighed softly, keeping my gaze locked on the ground. "I told you to stop calling me that. It's Y/n." I huffed.

"I know, I'm sorry... ...Where have you been?" He asked. I whipped my head around, narrowing my eyes. "Where have you been? You've been avoiding me for months!" "So have you!" "I've been avoiding everyone!"


I paused, and turned my head around again. "You really don't get it, do you..?"

It was obvious he was confused. I closed my eyes, curling my legs up to my chest. "All my life, I've only ever felt lonely. Nothing else... And it was nice." I began.

"Then you came along and ruined everything."

I could hear his breath hitch, and I looked at him, standing up. "I don't what you did, but you made me feel something weird. Whenever I so much as gear your name, I get butterflies... I hate it!"

Heat rushed to his cheeks, and I glared at him, feeling my heart flutter. "Stop doing that." I said sharply.

"D- Doing what?" I felt it again. I growled, shoving him. "I said stop!" "Stop what?!" "Being... You!"

He raised an eyebrow, and without thinking about anything, I lunged forwards, instinctively joining our lips together.

I pulled away quickly, hiding my face behind my h/l hair. "I... Think I might love you..?" I said, my statement coming out as more of a question more than anything else.

He brushed my hair out of my face and pecked my nose, a blush rising to both of our cheeks. "I think I love you too, Y/n."

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