Name: Elizabeth snow mezuko but everyone calls her lizzy
Hero name: creach
Age: 15
Gender: female
Birthday: august 15th
Blood type: O
Quirk: shape shifter
Drawback: she'll get sick easily, she can't go from one animal to another she has to turn into her human form then to the new animal
Abilities: turn into any animal only she has to seen it before
Attacks: sonic boom: can only do it as a dragon
Magic: only as unicorn (and she hates being a unicorn)
Camouflage: only as camilion
Birthplace: china
Family: mom- hero- quirk cat, dad-normal-quirk talk to animals little brother-normal-quirk is only 3
Occupation: cooking
Affiliation: she just wants to help her mom
Course: hero but is thinking of being a sidekick
Year: 1st
Hero costume
Equipment: she normally have brass nuckles just in case if her quirk is at its maximum
Personality: kind, loud, playful, funny, clumsy, mind always else where
History: none
Power: 3/5
Speed: 4/5
Technique: 4/5
Intelligence: 5/5
Cooperation: 2/5
Other: she likes wandering off and has a crush on kacchan/ katsuki
my oc book/ oc's for roleplays
Randommy oc's Xx_Tiny-Dinosaur_xX ((my new account)) has permission to these oc's