For: LuckysStoryTime
Name- mezume (kitten) nekoma
Age- 11
Personality- mezume is kind, hyper, loud, competitive and playful, with a very annoying voice, and she is very clingy to those she's friends with. She is also loyal to those she loves
Likes- chocolate, Digimon, animals, her hair, Kari in general because she's a great person, cute things
Dislikes- fights, blood, pain, thunder, the dark, rain, getting wet
Fears- heights, the thought if death
Digimon partner- terriermon
Digi-Egg- none yet
D-3 color- purple
Crush- tai
my oc book/ oc's for roleplays
Randommy oc's Xx_Tiny-Dinosaur_xX ((my new account)) has permission to these oc's