digimon 2.0 rp

37 0 5

For: LuckysStoryTime

Name- mezume (kitten) nekoma

Age- 11


Personality- mezume is kind, hyper, loud, competitive and playful, with a very annoying voice, and she is very clingy to those she's friends with

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Personality- mezume is kind, hyper, loud, competitive and playful, with a very annoying voice, and she is very clingy to those she's friends with. She is also loyal to those she loves

Likes- chocolate, Digimon, animals, her hair, Kari in general because she's a great person, cute things

Dislikes- fights, blood, pain, thunder, the dark, rain, getting wet

Fears- heights, the thought if death

Digimon partner- terriermon

Digi-Egg- none yet

D-3 color- purple

Crush- tai

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