Name before; Hannah Kloud Name after; Blanc Physical age; 16-17 Spirit or guardian; Guardian and Spirit Of what; Guardian Of Love, Spirit Of Valentine's Day Personality; Kind, sweet, gentle, playful, a little shy Appearance;
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Powers; has the ability to fly, duplicate herself and shoot sharp feathers out of her wings. When she makes a duplicate of herself something has to pierce it through the heart in order for it to turn into dust. Weapons; her wings Backstory; she was actually around during the dark ages during pitch, though she was barely able to keep up and stop him until the others came. Crush; Jack Frost (I guess) Other; Most people can't see Blanc, you can only see her for a moment when you find the love of your life. She'll be standing beside them looking like a guardian angel. That's the only time anyone can see her. She is also called Cupid by most even though she doesn't bare a bow.