For; hawk2274
Name; Maichi
Last name; Barnes
Age; PDH; 15 MCD; 21-36 MS; 23
Family; None that are known
Crush; PDH; Kai, MCD & MS; Laurence
Likes; • being warm • the dark • milk • ice cream • jokes • books • being around others •
Dislikes; • rain • getting wet • jerks • chocolate cake • fish • kale • rabbits • Zane •
Hobbies; Sword fighting, painting
Personality; Mai is a very hyper girl with lots of love to hand out. She's the type of person that see's the glass half good always looking for the bright side of things. Mai can be pretty blunt without trying and she might come off rude about what she is saying, but trust me she doesn't mean to be mean to others. She is a very nice person with a good fashion sense. Although when you first meet her she can be a caterpillar, shy and sweet. After a while she'll break out of her cocoon and become a very open and kind person.
Looks;Extra; she's a mefwa (if that's how you spell it) and a magics user. Her magic is to heal, she can't patch up wounds but she can transfer the pain from the person to herself.
Height; 4'11 short bean
Sexuality; Bisexual
Password; Aphmau Fantasy
my oc book/ oc's for roleplays
Randommy oc's Xx_Tiny-Dinosaur_xX ((my new account)) has permission to these oc's