Marvel next gen rp

19 0 2

For~ Zume11

Name- Oliver Lang
Nickname- olive, Ollie
Age- 16
Gender- male
Sexuality- Bisexual
Power(s)- none

Parents- Scott Lang Personality- kind, sweet, clumsy, stupidly cute, dorky, timid, bubbly, awkward Background- he lived a normal childhood, until he found out his dad was ant-man

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Parents- Scott Lang
Personality- kind, sweet, clumsy, stupidly cute, dorky, timid, bubbly, awkward
Background- he lived a normal childhood, until he found out his dad was ant-man. That's when he started hanging out with the other children of the avengers.
Crush- open
Voice claim- marth- blue haired male

Quotes- "what else do I have to lose?"
"Is that all you got?"
"The ground shook below my feet as the- OW What? I'm just narrating"  

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