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"Can you let me show you how much you mean to me today?"

'Do I even mean anything to you'
Jimin mumbled to himself but he heard it.

"What makes you think that?"


"Jimin, if even now you won't tell me what's bothering you then how will I ever stop it"
After a moment of silence he spoke up

"Why won't you love me? Am I not good enough? Am I not worth it? Am I not better than Alyssa? I'm not sexy enough? Is that it?"

He went on worrying about what he was not but after he mentioned half of them I stopped listening.

"Trust me Jiminnie, I never wanted you to feel so insecure due to being with me"

He embraced Jimin into a hug.
"Your sexy even if you are vulnerable."

Jungkook POV

He shot me a sulky look and pouted looking away from my eyes.
I turned him to face me and leaned in for a kiss, but not just a kiss. A kiss full of love and passion.

He laid back as I got on top of him sucking the life out of his lips which would be swollen by now.

I noticed that the cold floor would be too cold for him to lay down on so I picked him and gently laid him on the bed although I couldn't wait any longer to make love with him again.

"Now you get a punishment for saying that your not worth it and most importantly for thinking that.... your not sexy enough" I whispered in his ear.

He let out a light hesitant moan and I could tell he was embarrassed, he covered his face with his adorable tiny hands to hide his blush but I took both of his hands and kissed them. I move down his collarbone, his scent was so breathtaking that I would think I'm possessed.

"Jimin.." I whispered getting closer to his ear. He looked at me as soon as he whimpered from the touch on his thigh.

"Can I go further?" He gave me a smile and that gave me the answer I was looking for, he didn't even need to utter a word.
He chuckled lightly seeing how needy I was for once

"You can do whatever you want Jungkook, I'm legally yours"

His chuckle was so adorable and worth being turned on for. Every time he did it I wanted to throw myself on my Jimin. I gently rubbed the outline of his thighs and kissed him sloppily kind of teasing him. Continuing the sloppy kiss I unzipped my outfit but stopped halfway through when Jimin took my hands.
We stared at each other lovingly for a long time until...

"Jimin, Jungkook are you here? Ogh god!! I'm so sorry!! I know I told you I wanted grandchildren but atleast lock the door"

We were shocked and parted away from each other at the speed of light, embarrassed.

A while ago...
Alyssa POV
Nothing. I could hear nothing when I reached near the door. How is this possible, even if Jimin does a tiny mistake Jungkook always tends to scold him for atleast half an hour but now? Ughh what has this Jimin done to Jungkook? What magic has he used to keep Jungkook in his control? But I can't let this last for long, I have to keep Jungkook in my control before it gets out of hand. No! Alyssa think positive maybe they aren't there at all right? But what if they are? No!No! This cannot be happening I have to find a way to get them out of there before this gets too far but how?

Idea! I can call the Queen and she will figure out what they are doing. But what excuse will I make to bring her here that I will think later on but I have to make a move right before it's too late.

I reached near her chamber and told the guards that I want to meet her, they were not letting me in at first but I had to convince them that it was an emergency. But they didn't change their decision so I screamed to call her hoping she'll hear me inside. Luckily she did, yes!! Now what excuse do I make I'm already in front of her.

"Yes Alyssa? Do you need anything?"

"It is related to Jungkook and Jimin, Your highness"

She didn't want to hear a word more and her worryness was now prominent on her face.

"Where are they?!"

I couldn't help but smirk at the corner of my mouth.

The Prince's Unwanted Wife //Jikook//Kookmin//Where stories live. Discover now