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Jimin POV

My mind is a mess, I am becoming a depressed being I want to make everything workout, I want to meet my mom once, I want to fully recover, I want to have a complete family although I don't know if it will be with Jungkook and importantly I want to make sure I finish my responsibilities.
I hear a knock on the door while I was speaking so I allow them to come in

"Your Highness The King has invited you for a family dinner"
I was very confused, all out of a sudden?

"Tell him I will be there"
I should just get ready and go since it's the only thing I can do


"Is Jimin still not here?" The King said while he was already on the dinner table with his wife and son waiting for Jimin

"He should be" The Queen replied

"Should I go and call him?" Jungkook asked his parents

"No need, We will wait and if he doesn't come your Mother can tell the maiden to go"

Jimin came after a few minutes, greeted everyone and sat beside Jungkook. They kept on talking about random things while they ate.

"Jimin, do you know the reason why we are having this dinner?"

"Is it because Jungkook has to leave for Gongju?"

"It's the opposite actually, he is not leaving but his brother is coming tomorrow morning" The Queen replied to Jimin


"Are you not happy that your husband is not going?"

"No I'm so happy!" Jimin said nervously so that his parents in law don't misunderstand

"Well in that case let's finish dinner and go outside in the garden to sit in the good weather" The King suggested

"Yes! The weather is so good today, don't you think Jungkook and Jimin?"

"We will be happy to join you two" Jungkook replied and looked at Jimin asking him if he wants to go

"I don't have any problem" he said with a genuine smile

When they were in the garden it was a calming atmosphere, the dark sky was so beautiful with all the stars and the moon. No one really talked much but all of them were just enjoying the weather.

"Jungkook why don't you walk around the garden with Jimin since me and your Mother have to talk about some economic issues"

"Sure Father, let's go?" He asked Jimin


While they were walking none of them talked just walked side by side. Jungkook was enjoying it while it was a bit hard for Jimin to walk due to his pain and he tripped but Jungkook caught him in the right moment

"Be careful, if you can't walk we can sit somewhere" Jimin knew that he couldn't argue with Jungkook so he agreed. Jimin sat on a bench while Jungkook knelt down on his knees to check whether he was hurt anywhere

'Why does he care now anyways' Jimin thought

"Prince, why don't we go inside so you can rest"

"Why? I'm not going anywhere I will have lots of time to rest here"



"Stand up please, I'm fine"

"But still.."

"I don't want to burden you"

"Your not burdening me" Jimin didn't know what to say so he just changed the topic

"Your brother is coming tomorrow you will need to rest in order to accompany him tomorrow"

"It's okay, he won't care"

There was a moment of silence between them while Jungkook sat up beside Jimin and held his hand

"Jimin...I want to talk to you about something"


"First of all, thank you for forgiving me" Jimin kept quiet

"This one thing has been disturbing me for days so I wanted to ask you about it and know your answer"

Jungkook now held both of Jimin's hand in his and faced Jimin towards himself

"I want to tell you that I have another.."

"Jungkook! We are going inside please you two also have a rest" The Queen called out to them from afar

"You can tell me later"

"Wait! Just a moment"

"Are you two there?"

"Yes Mother! Come let us go"

"But" Before Jungkook could reply Jimin released himself and went inside, soon enough Jungkook had to join him. That night they slept together but still very far from each other.


The Prince's Unwanted Wife //Jikook//Kookmin//Where stories live. Discover now