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Jimin POV
I woke up to see Jungkook already gone. I didn't care much and started to stretch, suddenly it hit me that today Jungkook's brother is coming! How could I forget, he probably is already here. I was about to go outside to greet everyone almost forgetting to get ready but gladly I remembered a moment before stepping outside. I got ready and then went outside right away.
I could see no one when I was out, it was probably because I woke up too late and now everyome left to have breakfast together already. Did they not even try to wake me up? Am I not important enough? Do they not care If I'm with them or not? Suddenly tears started to well up in my eyes, I know I'm acting a bit too emotional but I can't help it I'm too sensitive these days. I think my back has been recovered but I still have to be careful. I wanted to cry so I didn't fight with my myself and let the tears out anyway, I was sitting in a corner crying maybe it was because I was hungry and they leaving for breakfast without even asking me was so sad. I felt something near my cheek so I got scared and suddenly got up. It was a guy holding a handkerchief trying to wipe my tears. I didn't know who he was so I panicked and tried to run away but he grabbed me by my wrist and held me back. I turned around to insult him but his next words shut me up.

"Excuse me, I don't know why you are crying but can you get me water I'm thirsty and tired" I just couldn't process why someone who I didn't even know ask me to bring water.

"Hello?" He snapped his fingers infront of my face to step me out of my thoughts

"Are you perhaps..deaf?" I don't know why but I didn't reply to him. Suddenly he went extremely near my ear and I suddenly wanted to punch his face away from me but I just didn't because he seemed like a weird person who will just go away if I ignore him.

"Hellllloo!!" He screamed in my ear and that was just the last strand for me and I slapped him in his face but he fell down near the pillar. I didn't mean to hit him that hard! I quickly ran towards him to check if he was alright.

"I'm so sorry! Excuse me are you alright! I didn't mean to hit that hard I promise" I checked his face and his eyes were closed, did he faint?! No, not today this can't be happening what do I do? This is just the start of the day and it's already horrible. This can't work out like this I need to ask someone for help. I got up to call someone for help but I was pushed to the floor immediately, and the moment the idiot jumped on me I realised that he was faking being faint

"So your not deaf huh?"

"You! Get off me before I actually make you faint!"

"Aw, sweet but do you realise that your previous tears haven't even dried up yet your threatening me" He started laughing on my face and I felt so annoyed that my tears came back

"Uh..Did I say something wrong?" He mumbled to himself

"Get off me!" I cried

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry crybaby" Once he said that I wanted to cry more

"No! I'm sorry ok?"

"Get off!"

"I'm sorry!" He suddenly got off and I stood up

"I'll leave you alone but tell me where your Highness' chamber is. Deal?"

"What nonsense are you saying?" He seemed like a total idiot to me now

"Highness, Jungkook you know the Prince where his chamber is?"

"You mean ours. It's there." I replied


"Do you actually not know or-"

"Oh! I get it your one of the people in this castle who work here and dream about being with Jungkook all day and act like your in a relationship with him"

"How dare you Mr?"

"Mr? I have a name and it's Taehyung. And you are?"

"Married to the person who you keep talking about"

"Ahahaha" I have had enough of him now, he keeps taking whatever I do non seriously. Before something worse happens I knew going away was the best thing to do but he wouldn't go away easily that I was sure of

"You seem familiar, have I seen you before?" He seems like the guy I saw a few days ago at the royal party but it was a bit hard to see there.

"Don't think so" He was still giggling with his eyes in a crescent. Obviously he wouldn't remember even I forgot but his smile just reminded me that of that day I saw him

"I'll leave" I was leaving but he held on to me once again

"No! Fine just tell me where they all are"

"I don't understand who you are talking about-"

(POV End)
"There you are!" They turned around to see that Jungkook, The Queen, The King and another man who only Jimin was unfamiliar with was behind them

"Father!" Taehyung went forward to greet him. Jimin was still confused as to why he was calling him Father and if he is Jungkook's brother then who is the one standing beside Jungkook?



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