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Jungkook POV
"I want to have a grandchild"
Mother's words were stuck in my head and were making me even more uncomfortable then I already was around Jimin, it's not that I don't like him I'm ready to accept him but whenever I do he somehow does something to make his place lower in my heart. I mean when you look at him you can't tell that he's been such a bully to his own brother throughout his life that he tried to even take away his life once! Also the fact that he hurts Alyssa so much everyday by saying such cruel words to her and she always comes crying to me and she is also very depressed because of it but now she doesn't even dare to call me to comfort her since she's afraid if he finds out then he would probably make life hell for her all over again. Jimin is at fault here, just because Alyssa is my ex fiancé he takes her as competition which is clearly just stupid hasn't he already won! We're married for God's sake.

"Mother don't you think that's too much I mean we only got married a while ago"
I realised that Jimin wasn't ready to speak and that obviously meant that he doesn't want kids so I just said whatever my mind could process
"A while ago?! It's been almost 6 months and you know that we made you get so that you will have a family early and I think it's been 6 months 2 weeks no wait four?.."
"6 months 2 weeks 5 minutes and 19 minutes"
I immediately looked at Jimin while widening my eyes. I was shook, he exactly knew the time when we got married but why did he even remember. Probably because it's the moment of regret in his entire life.
Mother thought it was cute of him to remember it and come to think of it, it kind of is. Jimin is cute himself I admit and if he was as good of a person as he is from the outside I would definitely love him and never let him go but the truth is that he isn't.
I could feel him smiling nervously at Mother and that looked like a forced smile to me but maybe I was just over thinking. He suddenly left the room and that gave me a signal that I should too. I excused myself and left too, I was planning to follow him but I didn't want to give him hope because that would just break his heart at the end. While I was walking in the hall I started thinking about what Mother said, come to think of it I do love children and if I have one one day I would cherish it the most obviously after it's mother. Will it be Jimin who will give birth to my first child? I don't even know if we are on good terms or not but I think that if we have a child someday him/her should look like Jimin because he has a more brighter face than mine I mean even i have a good face but I want our first child to look like him at least. What if we had twins? What will we name them?
I suddenly realised what am I even thinking, that's future and I don't even know if our marriage will last that long but for some reason I don't want it to end even though he doesn't play an important part in my life
It was late night and I was coming back from Father's chamber, we had to discuss about the coronation and it was really tiring and now I needed sleep immediately so I tried to go to my shared room with Jimin as soon as possible. While I was on my way I heard someone crying and I knew that the voice was familiar since I've heard it so many times, I could hear it closer every second and suddenly felt it really close to me and Thud! I could feel someone hugging me from the back and my shirt was getting wet because of the person's tears
"Jungkook?" I turned around and saw a teary eyed Alyssa
"What happened?" I whispered to her since we were in the middle of the corridor and everyone was sleeping so I don't wake them up
"Come with me" she said while trying to hide her smile I think, but she was crying so why would she do that right?
Once we reached her chamber she again hugged me and since I was really tired I tried to ask her what happened and she replied after a good crying of a few minutes
"It-it's Jimi-"
"Jimin again?" I was curious to what he did now to hurt her since he was practically with me and Mother today
"He tried to push me towards the exit gate of the castle"
"But why?!"
"Bec-because he wanted me to leave the castle when he knows that I have no where to go" she said in between her sobs
"It's ok, it's ok" I said when she started to cry on my shoulders again. I was mad alright! This is getting out of hand, why is Jimin acting so immature! I'll have to explain it to him in my way now if he doesn't stop
"Oppa, can you sleep with me today? If you go back to his room he might brainwash you" I knew this wasn't right because I'm married, it's wrong in so many ways. Even if Jimin is doing something wrong and we're not that good around each other but I still can't do this to him
After her begging me too much I decided to sleep on the sofa. Jimin might be sleeping such a relaxing sleep while he destroys others.

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