"Ugly" part 2

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"Had he really done that? Had she really slapped him?" The thoughts racked and groaned and drowned Hermione's head. Was she really that ugly? She was now sobbing into a pillow, and couldn't help to think of the fact that maybe... Maybe she was ugly? Maybe Ron was right. When she looked in the mirror, she always thought of herself as hideous, but she didn't think Ron would say so. If Ron said so it had to be right.
But what would she do? Stay in her small closed off area forever? While Ron finds a girlfriend and her heart slowly, painfully breaks? At times like these she wished she had a mother. Her mother and her never really talked about feelings, and her dad was always gone... So Mrs. Weasley and Lupin were her only two parent figures. She always said those two, well because they were. Mrs Weasley was kind, and very fond of Hermione she was always a shoulder to lean and cry on when Hermione was crying about Ron or someone, and she would never ask what she was saying about. And Lupin, he was well.. Lupin. He always talked to her about books, and talked to her and treated her like a grown up. He made her feel safe. But there was also Fred and George. They were always there for her, like two big brothers. They were the only two (except for Ginny) that knew about her crush. Fred always made her laugh, while George hugged her and told her that there little brother was as thick as professor Snape, and would come around.  Though she always had the Weasleys, there was also Sirius he was nice and kind, but for some reason she felt he wasn't hers. There was Harry and Charley who were always like her big brothers.  Though she always had the Weasleys, there was also Sirius he was nice and kind, but for some reason she felt he wasn't hersHe was Harry's and Ron's and she really didn't fit in around them. She smiles a little bit, and her sobs slowly stopped. Then there was Ron. Her Ron. Her amazing talented Ron, who was hers. He hated her probably and thought she was ugly. She  why she didn't fit in. The Weasleys probably secretly hated her or couldn't stand her, and that was that. When she  went over rethink Weasleys it was odd. She felt like she didn't matter, and Harry and Ron always got asked questions why she just sort of sat there.
2 hours later
Knock know
"Who's knocking on the door at 2 in the morning?" Mumbles a sleepy  Hermione.
As she opens the door she sees a familiar red head, with broad shoulders and hands in his pockets.
"Yes Ron?"
"I'm sorry." Those were the only words she needed. She hugs him, as he welcomes her with open arms.
"It was wrong, and stupid, and blimey very false when I called you ugly. It was probably the most untrue thing I have ever said. And im-" he starts again but gets interrupted by Hermione's lips on his. They were sweat, and warm, and he wanted more.
But sadly they pull off, when they hear clapping coming from behind Ron, and see the whole, Weasley/Black/Tonks/every member of the order of the Phoenix person and family member except Snape behind them and smile.
"So Hermione apology expected?' Asks a laughing George.

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