Jealous Ron

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I step into the Hog's Head, Ronald and Harry at my side. We find a vacant booth and sit.

"Hey is the Ginny?" Questions Harry, "I'll be right back."

Harry leaves, and an awkward silence is left between Ronald and me. It's never been like this, but something different is in the air.

"Um.. I'm gonna use the bathroom." Says Ronald, scurrying off, leaving me alone.

I can't be left alone for Two seconds before someone comes to the table.

"Hey there." Says a boy. I've seen him around. He's a year older than me with dark brown hair that match his eyes. He's known for taking advantage of girls my age.

"I'm James." He says, taking my silence as an invitation to sit next to me. "You must be Hermione."

"Yeah that's me." I reply, quickly.

Harry, hurry up. I try to put the thought in his head. But who am I to Kidd?

"So, what are you doing over break?" He asks, filling the silence.

"Studying." I reply quietly. I've never been one to get body, but I'm not going to jump at the chance to have a boyfriend. Besides, I have someone else on my mind.

"Oh crazy! I need a study buddy. How are you in charms?" He asks. I can feel a cringe in the depth of my stomach, at this conversation. It's dead, but he try's to keep it in the air.

"I'm pretty good, I'm pretty sure I did good on the essay we had to write."

"Of course you did, you're the smartest girl in our school, the world probably." He retorts, his hand begins to rest on my thigh.

I move it off.

"Hey baby don't be like that."

"Ugh," I retort and do my best to move away as he covers me.

"Stop it." I say as his lips almost catch mine.

"Hey get off of her you big bloke!" Says Ronald pushing him off of me. "Don't make me spell you out of here."

Ronald has a wand in hand, and it's pointed at the boy. He's gonna get us band.

"Oh Ronald it's fine." I say, but I really don't mean it. I feel violated, and I make a mental to do some of Ronalds homework for him later.

"No it's not Hermione." He says, his wand pointed at the boy. With a swish of his wand and a flick of his tongue. He makes red scary he's appear on the boys face. "That'll teach you to leave girls alone."

I begin to dust off my clothes. "Thank you Ronald, but I don't need your help, I can take care of myself."

"You sure looked like you did."

I can feel a bicker coming, as Harry appears, better late than ever.

"Hermione are you okay?" He asks

"I'm fine." I state, but for some reason I can't get the look of Ron's face out of my head.

Though I'd never admit it, I did need his help and I'm thankful he was there

This was really bad, send request!! Sorry for spelling and grammar

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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