New Job in a Hell Hole!

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(Y/N): Your Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(H/C): Hair color
(F/C): Favorite Color

You stared. "I'm I at the right place?" you thought to yourself. You looked at the flyer, then back at the house. It was it alright. It was black with red, not surprising sense it was a villains' house. But it was shaped like a top hat!! You shrugged. Maybe it's bigger on the inside. You knocked on the door. 1...2... 3 times. "Hello?.." you asked. A stuttering voice called. "Come in if your (Y-Y/N)..." figures, you registered online, and this guy already knows your name. From the application of course. "I'm (Y/N), I'm here to be a maid!" he opened the door. "Well then come in! Before boss wakes up.." there stood a scientist like person, with a paper bag and goggles.

"I'm Dr. Flug! Nice to m-meet you!" you shook his hand. What warm welcome, someone nice and kind!... For about 8 seconds.
Suddenly, a girl with red hair in a lizard outfit ran past you, yelling and chasing a blue bear with a flower on it's head. "Dementia!!" Flug yelled, "Stop chasing 5.0.5!!" she stoped and sighed "FINE." the bear looked relieved, so did Flug. "This is Dementia and 5.0.5.." he said with a sigh. You stared at 5.0.5. "Why is he....cute?" you asked. "He WAS meant to be scary... But.. Then this" Flug said closing the door. "Oh..." 5.0.5 did look cute. Disgustingly cute. You sighed, you had to get used to them, they were your coworkers after all.

You looked at Flug, he was shivering. "Next is..." he started, "Your b-boss...." he looked very afraid. "What's wrong with him?" you asked. You had very mean bosses before, so if he was as mean as Flug was making him, it would be old news. "I had bad bosses before so..." "He's different.." Flug Said, "He is extremely strict." "I'm fine with that." you said calmly. "Ok..." Flug said with a shiver. "What's his name?" "He's name is... B-Black H-Hat..." Flug said and a shiver went down your spine, for the first time in 4 years...

~Naughty Tongue~ [Villainous] Black Hat x Reader {Lemon}Where stories live. Discover now