Broken (Trigger/Suicide Warning)

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You stared at your bloody boss in shock. "B-BLACK HAT???" You yelped. He turned around in shock too. "(Y/N)!!! GET OUT!!!" you shook your head. "What happened??.." "N-Nothing.." he said as dropped something small. A razer blade. "Get out now... I'm having a panic attack go!!" You grabbed the blade and threw it away. "Please Black Hat! Why are you doing this to yourself!?" He lowered his head. "Because I'm a monster... I killed my family... NOW. GO AWAY!!!" You stepped back. "I don't!.. Want to k-kill you.." You saw the bloody tears streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry... Just go.." he said as started scratching himself, trying to leave a mark.

You grabbed him arms and he yelled in pain. There were cuts everywhere on his arms. "I'll go get a first aid.." You got up. "Don't do anything..." You went to Dr. Flug's office and saw a first aid kit. You grabbed it and ran back to Black Hat's office. When you went in, you saw him... Crying..? You never felt so bad, and this was still your first day! You wrapped his arms in bandages to stop the bleeding. "Why do you c-care?.. I'm a monster.." you sighed. "Not to me.. I care about little things.." he made a look. "So I'm small?.." "No, your bigger to me." you said. You sat down next to him and sighed again.

He smiled a bit, bringing you closer. "Huh?.." before you could say anything he hugged you tightly. "Thank you.. You are my kitten.. Got it?" you blushed at the nick name. You nodded. "Good~" he said, looking at the clock. "I think this is good bye until tomorrow." You sighed. "Ok." you got up and headed to the door. "Before you go... I need to give you this." you turned around and saw him holding something, a spiked collar with a small chain at the end and a name tag.. With your name on it. "You need to wear this to your grave understand?.." you blushed and nodded. He snapped his fingers and it appeared on your neck. "See you soon kitten~" you blushed a deep pink and headed home. "Kitten.. It's a good thing I like cats." you thought as you walked home.

~Naughty Tongue~ [Villainous] Black Hat x Reader {Lemon}Where stories live. Discover now