§ Demon Relaxation~ (LEMON/NSFW WARNING)

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Author' note:
OH MY GODDDD... How this got so popular I have no clue.... THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!
Now, time for a steamy reward~
Just a little update, If I use this symbol,  §   it is a bonus chapter for fun~ it does have to do with the story, but you can skip it at any time or read it in any order. And yes this is a bonus chapter~
Enjoy my lovely sinners!~

  Black Hat sighed after yet another long.. long day. You looked at him for a moment, then looked back at your work at design. Black Hat taps your shoulder, you look at him in surprise. He looked at you with a slight smirk. "Can you.. help me with something?" Your eyes went wide. "Yes?" you said bravely, slowly getting up and following him somewhere. "I need you to.." he stops at a.. bathroom?.. "Pamper me.." Your face turned a little red on the cheeks. "I-In what way?.." you asked. "I've been getting a little tense lately.. so I need some relaxation. Usually I pleasure myself well.. my own, but, your my favorite little slave, I want you to do it to me~" Your face turned red after every word. You turned extremely red when he said: "..pleasure myself.." Taking it in too many ways. What did he mean by THAT? Masturbating? Washing?? Too many thoughts. You heard a small snapping sound, getting out of your thoughts of your boss rubbing himself. You look up. Black Hat smiled at you, grabbing your arm and opening the door. You flinched and moved your head back and shut your eyes.
  You heard the door shut and lock. Your eyes shot open to see that a very deep red room with the same hat backdrop print, the ground was cold and a grayish blue with a pattern of squares with deep and lighter shads of the color. There was a black sink next to you with a mirror with slight cracks on the sides. The counter top was long and had some body cream canisters and bottles. There was some soap, with a hat logo imprinted on it. You trailed your eyes to the bathtub in the room, it was black as the sink and had some red print on it the looked like fake blood splatters. At least you hoped it was fake. There were no currents, nor toilets for that matter. "It must be one of those bathrooms.." You thought.
  "Are you done eyeing my personal pleasure room?" Black Hat asked razing an eyebrow. He said that word again, your face turning red. You saw that Black Hat was eyeing you the whole time. You nodded sheepishly, and your boss smiled a toothy grin. "Well now, I'm getting more and more tense every second! How about we start this." Before you can answer his little statement, he took off his jacket. It slide off his body and reveled a red piece of clothing and his black tie. He then folded his jacket up and put it on safely on the counter top. He then took off more of his top clothing, seeming to go painfully slow on purpose. Soon completely topless with his top clothes on the counter. He was surprising fit despite him always looking skinny in this clothing. You now realised how he was so strong, it wasn't his demon magic, that was only part of it, it was his body weight and strength that was the cause. You felt heat in your nether regions, and as he started taking off his bottom clothes, you twisted your head away, looking at the sink. You heard a soft moan coming from the demon that was striping of his fancy attire. Your dirty mind guessed that he was holding his cock. Your face turned red is the thought kept going. The sound of hot water turning on and filling a tub snapped you out of your trance. You didn't look. Soon you heard the water shut off, and a few drips of something, your mind tried to think of male liquids, bit water came to your head. Thank gosh for that, But you still didn't look. You then heard the sound of something, or someone, enter a bathtub. Then the relaxed sound of water settling down on whatever it was consuming. "I'm ready for you.." An impatient Black Hat ground. You looked to see that your boss was laying, or sitting in the black tub, filled up with red water... or blood.
  Your eyes went huge as you stared at the red stuff in the tub. Black Hat growled. "I always bath in blood, but, because of the gag reflex and fear mortals have, I dyed the natural water red. Your welcome ms~" Your face turned red a little, the sarcastic tone made your heat rise. "Now do me~" Black Hat said with a wide smile. You grabbed the soap bar and a black fabric sponge and walked to the back of the bathtub were Black Hat's head was resting. You set the soap and sponge down on the counter next to the tub. "You mind.. Taking that off?.." You shivered. You were talking about his hat, thinking that it might get in the way, or even ruined. Black Hat sighed. "Fine..." He said grabbing his hat. "Tell a soul and you die~" He said so sarcastic it was hard to think if he was serious. But you would never. He took of has hat and gave it to you. You nodded and sit it down with has other clothes. You then went back to him, and that's when you felt your heart thump. Black Hat looked so handsome, ironically with out the top hat. He had black hair, smooth in the front and scruffy in the back. It matched his personality, a stylish gentleman on the outside, but a black, evil demon on the inside.
  You smiled a little bit, grabbing the soap and scrubbing it against the sponge, creating a bubble substance, dabbing some water on it. You the froze, waiting for your boss to tell you were to rub, after all it isn't often that someone is aloud to touch him. Something dirty came to your brain, rubbing something that only males have... "Go on~" He said with a soft growl. Going from behind him, you started to rub his neck and chest with the soapy red water. Black Hat gave off a purring like noise and slumped down, resting himself, gripping the sides of the tub. "Mmmmmm~.." Black Hat hummed in his throat. Your face turned pink as his moans grew louder, making your heat grow too. Black Hat smiled and moaned more, and loud. "S-Stop one second.." He said with a moan. You did as you were told, and placed the soap and sponge on the counter. Black Hat then moved and wrapped his arm around your neck, caressing your cheek. "Your such a good girl~" Before you could say anything, you felt Black Hat's lips press against yours, and his tongue going in your mouth. You turned bright crimson in your cheeks, your heat sky rocking. You couldn't help but kiss back, he tasted sweet with a slight sour after taste. Time seem to stop when he gave you your first kiss, it felt so delicious.
  He broke the kiss too soon, and smiled at you. "Cutie~" he chuckled. "Now.." Black Hat flipped over on his stomach with a small splash, his back completely exposed, all the way down to his hips wich were then completely drenched back in water, covering his butt and legs. "Would you wash my back sweet cheeks?~" Black Hat asked in a sultry voice. You blushed and nodded. "Use the black body cream please~" He said. You nodded and dried your hands a little and grabbed the body cream he was talking about, squirting some on your hands and rubbing them together, then rubbing Black Hat's slightly muscular back. "Mmmm!~..." Black Hat moaned loudly, crossing his arms and resting his head on them. You smiled and blushed more. "Please... continue~" He moaned. Yo kept rubbing his back, slowly, and reached to his shoulders, using two fingers to rub, pushing them down. Black Hat made a yell more then a moan. He bit down on his own arm to silence himself, probably trying not to scare you. But you knew that it was in pleasure, not in anger. Nevertheless, you kept rubbing his back with the cream that darkened his already dark grayish blue skin. Washing the cream off your hands, you grabbed the sponge and started to wash the black body cream off him. Black Hat gave you a long, almost aroused growl. It started your heat back up again. Soon, his back was washed. Black Hat sighed and smiled to himself, rolling over on to his back with small splash that hit you in your face. Black Hat chuckled at you "Oops~" He said. A little inraged, you gave him a playful splash in the face as karma. Black Hat gave off an evil smirk. "I fucked up.." was the first thing you thought.       
  "Now that was just rude and uncalled for (Y/N)~" You then were suddenly lifted up in the air in a magic grip. "I must give you a punishment~" You begged and pleaded for another chance, but to no avail. "Take off your clothes, now~" You awkwardly strip, throwing your clothes off to the side. Black Hat snaps his fingers and the magic grip disappeared, plunging you in the water with a SPLASH. "(Y/N)!!" Black Hat yelled. "Why would you do that?!~" he said with a laugh, Grabbing you and pulling you on top of him. "You look so cute~" He complemented, rubbing your cheek. "Now, time for some real fun~" Your face turned red, and your heat went up. "About time I get some sexual pleasure with my lovely slave hmm?~" Before you could say a single scared word, you felt something slim enter your hole. You yelped in surprise and grip Black Hats shoulders. "Mmmm I can feel your walls closing in on my finger~" Black Hat growled, putting another one in and pumping faster. You screamed as he kept on going faster and faster. "Black Hat!!~" You yelled. Black Hat smiles and rips out, you yelled in disappointment and pleasure. He brings your neck close and kisses your sweet spot, nibbling it. You moan loudly and feel a devious smirk come on to Black Hat's face. "Naughty girl~" You moaned in response and bite your lip. "You feel something?~" You did. It was pressing against your slit. You knew what it was.
  Black Hat grips your ass tightly and smirks at you, you could only moan in response. He chuckles and pushes you down on his hard cock. You scream as loud as you can, gripping your lover's shoulders tightly, Black Hat moaning and gripping your shoulders too. "R-ride it... Ride my cock (Y/N)~ Ride!~" He moans out. You do as he commanded, and ride him, the sound of skin slapping skin and water slapping water filling the room, not to mention the moans coming out of you and Black Hat. You ride him slowly, but with the slap to your butt, you go faster. "Oooh FFFUUCK!~" Black Hat yelled. "You feel so good!~" You moaned and yelled with him, unable to speak to the demon below. Soon, your feel your heat rush. "Black Hat I'm gonna!-" "COME!!~" Black Hat completed your sentence, and roared in pleasure and bliss: "COME TO YOUR DEMON!!!~~" You screamed to almost glass shattering loudness as you came, but was completely drowned out as you were filled with Black Hat's thick hot seed. You collapse on top of him, panting, feeling his load inside you.
  Black Hat made a loud sigh and relaxed himself, rubbing your back and kissing your four head. He makes a slight purring sound as you rub his cheek with one hand. "Your such a cutie~ (Y/N)~" You blush and giggle a little. You felt Black Hat's lips press with yours, you wrapped his arms around you and kissed him back, your tongue going in his mouth. He seemed to like that very much as he moaned through out the wet kiss. He broke it and licked your cheek in delight causing you to giggle, Black Hat smiling at you.
  Black Hat, a truly horrifying demon and an evil master mind, now presented as a handsome, wet, perverted husk, with no cares in the world. Soon, you two will dry up and he will quickly make his way to bed, only this time he will be inviting you to sleep with him.

You can say that this steamy night, was truly,

~Naughty Tongue~ [Villainous] Black Hat x Reader {Lemon}Where stories live. Discover now