The Phones

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Robin had noticed a sale on the new iPhone and had decided that his team needed some. He purchased one in pink, one in blue, one in red, one in green, and one in violet. So nice it was near to Christmas, he saved the phones until Christmas morning, where they sat in very colorful wrapped boxes, like huge lights.

"Yas! It's Christmas guys! Boo Yah!" Cyborg called, walking into the common room. But a green streak soared past him, beating him through the door.

"You know it!" Beast Boy yelled back. Christmas was the one day a year when he got up earlier than all the rest.

Robin got up a couple minutes later, having the two most childish Titans knock on his door repeatedly. Raven was already awake and just waited till the duo knocked on her door before leaving her room, tea in hand. Starfire got up about five minutes after they began to knock on her door, and excitedly flew out the door, still in her pjs.

"It is the merriest of Christmas!" Star called as she zoomed toward the tree, underneath it the colorful boxes, just begging to be opened. She quickly picked up all of her gifts, then settled on the couch, ready to go.

Eventually, everyone came into the common room, and, after much grumbling and mumbling, got their presents into esteemed piles. Star picked up Robin's gift first, and Robin gritted his teeth. She'd have no idea what the phone was.

He was right. She picked up the phone and said to her fellow teammates, "What is this rectangular of the boxes I have been so the graciously the given by the friend Robin?" making everyone laugh. Cyborg explained it to her, then he picked up Robin's gift to him as well, Starfire playing games on her new phone.

"Sweet!" He called with excitement. The blue phone glittered in his hand. He and Star swapped numbers and began to text each other, like normal people would do instead of just talking.

BB was next. He also picked up Robin's gift, since he was sure Robin had gotten him a phone too. However, he was dismayed to find a toilet paper roll. He held it up.

"They get phones and I get this?" He said, shaking with indignation.

"Of course not." Robin was shaking too, but he was shaking because he was laughing so much. "Look inside the roll!"

There, taped on the inside, was a glittering green phone. Robin continued to laugh as everyone joined in, even Raven, a little bit. He flushed a bit to see his crush, no, his love, laughing at him.

He quickly turned over and got Cyborg's and Star's numbers to stave off some embarrassment, and they created a group chat.

Raven was next. She picked up Robin's gift accidentally, and when she saw it, she groaned before tearing open the wrapping. Inside sat a purple phone. She picked it up and turned it on, and Beast Boy asked for her number. She reluctantly gave it to him, and he passed it on to the others, and they added her onto the group chat. She sighed. This was going to be a long day.

***Time Jump***
It was night out and Raven was absentmindedly fingering the grooves in her phone, not paying attention to what she was doing.

A loud, BING, distracted her and she looked down at her phone to see a new message from BB. She flopped on her bed.

BB: What's up Rae?

Rae: Nothing.

BB: Well I think you're up to something, princess.

Rae: Don't call me that.

BB: What was that Rae? I couldn't hear you princess. Besides, I was busy staring at a picture of your beautiful face while texting.

Raven blushed a little before replying.

Rae: First of all, you don't use your ears to text. Second, staring at a picture of me seems creepy. And how are you doing that while texting?

BB: Come on Rae, you wound me! And, you are gorgeous!

Rae: I'm glad to see I wounded you. And how am I, of all people, gorgeous?

BB: You don't see it? You don't know you're beautiful? Maybe I should play you that song. Anyways, you're smart, pretty, strong, headstrong, and pretty stubborn. I like that. Your violet hair shines and you eyes are so pretty I could stare at them all day.

Raven blushed and sighed a little. She used her empath abilities to see if Beast Boy really liked her. She wanted to feel that emotion he was feeling. Instead, she found something else.

Two people were in his room.

Rae: Who's in your room with you?

BB: What are you talking about Rae? It's only me.

She narrowed her eyes and streamed her fingers down the keyboard.

Rae: You're not making any grammatical errors. And you are wording things with out adding 'ya'll' 'ya' or 'whatcha.' That's not how you type. It's not you who's typing. Someone's in your room with you. Tell me who it is. Now.

BB: Fine. I'm having Cyborg type for me. I was to nervous to pick up the phone and text you myself.

Rae: Why would you be that nervous? It's not like I can reach through the screen and grab you.

BB: Beast Boy has a little crush-Cyborg.

Rae: On who?

She heard a crash and smash and someone yelling, then she used her empathetic abilities. Beast Boy was the only one in his room now. When she didn't get an answer, she typed.

Rae: I see you kicked Cy out of your room.

BB: Yea. Hehe.

Rae: There are your grammatical errors again. I don't see why your so nervous anyway. We aren't even face-to-face.

BB: Well, there's this girl I like, but I don't know how to tell her

Rae: You forgot a period at the end of you sentence. Just tell her Beast Boy. Be a man. And, I wouldn't tell this girl via text message. It signals you're to scared to tell her in person and could make the girl think she has more power over you.

BB: Okay. I got this.

Rae: You're going right now?

Raven was surprised to feel her heart sink.

BB: Yea.

A short knock came at her door. She went to answer it. There stood BB, flowers in hand and slightly sweating.

"Beast Boy? What are you doing here? I thought you were going to tell that girl you like her. Do you need more advice?" He shook his head.

"'re that girl. So...willyougooutwithmeplease?"

Raven arched her brow. "Repeat that. Slower."

"Um..Rae...will you go out with me?" He whispered softly.

He prepared for an attack, but if an attack was Raven hugging him, he prepared for nothing. He felt her soft hands go around him.


Later that night Rae looked back at her text messages from earlier. She saw, to her surprise, that BB had texted her right before he left to her room.

BB: Be at your room soon. ;)

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