Chapter 2: "The Triple B's"

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"Ugh," I groaned as my alarm blasted in my ear. I reached to turn off my alarm, so I could go back to dreamland.

I moved my hand around looking for my darn phone. I scooted closer to the edge of my bed, but I felt my balance start to slip.

D*mn it!

I rubbed my head where it hit the edge of my bed. Why did this keep happening to me? I stood up and walked to my bathroom.

I looked like a complete mess. I didn't get much sleep last night because I forgot to take my pills. I reached for the jar and unscrewed the lid and took out two tablets. I used my hands as a cup and swallowed the pills.

I walked back to my room and looked around. I finished unpacking yesterday, and my new room was decorated in a blue and grey theme with pops of yellow. I walked to my closet, I looked for the least hey-I'm-a-new-girl-look-at-me outfit.

I threw on a plain white crop-top and some high waisted jeans. As I was closing my closet doors, I caught a glimpse of my mom's leather jacket. Before I could second guess my decision, I put it on and walked downstairs.

I went into the kitchen to see my brother wearing the SAME jacket.

He turned around with an eggo in his mouth. His eyes widen when he saw my jacket. "Is that Dad's?" I asked

He took the eggo out of his mouth, "Uh...yeah he gave it to me." He began to twist the ring on his middle finger, my father gave it to him on his sixteenth birthday. It was a nervous habit of his, and I immediately knew he was lying or at least not telling me the whole truth. 

I looked at his silver ring with a white stone in the middle. It was truly beautiful, "a family heirloom,"  my brother told me, he was so proud of it.

"Huh, ok." I went to the pantry to get a pop-tart, in my peripheral I saw Liam huff a breath of relief. I rolled my eyes at his awful lying skills.

"Hurry up Lilly." I turn around to see my younger sister Freddie already heading to the front door.

"Ok, ok I'm coming," I put the pop-tart in my mouth and walked to the car. Freddie was already in the car. 

My beautiful baby was a 1959-blue-convertible-Corvette-roadster. My dad's a businessman for a successful company. He doesn't talk much about his job, he always avoided the parent-job thing in elementary school. He doesn't want us to be spoiled, that's why we don't live in some big mansion.

Oh, my love, I thought as I climbed into the driver's seat.

I reversed out of the driveway and drove to the elementary school

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I reversed out of the driveway and drove to the elementary school. Freddie was in third grade.

I parked in the parking lot, "Okay sweetie the high school is right across the street." 

Freddie turned to me and nodded her head, "I'll be fine."

"Promise?" I drawled.

"Promise," she jumped excitedly in her seat, "Can we go now!"

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