Chapter 3: "Lilly"

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Noah ;D

I watched as the tall boy with brown hair got off his motorcycle and made his way towards us, by us I mean me and my close friends. My dad told me that the don of the Grey Wolf's gang was moving here, along with his only child (I was told his name is Liam). The soon to be don was almost to us until he looked to his left. His face drained of color and he began to fiddle with his fingers. I looked in the direction Liam turned.

Her beauty still put me in a daze. She was gorgeous, with thick long dark hair that makes you want to run your hands through it, and captivating eyes that can't decide what color they want to be. Plus her curves were to die for. By the many lusty stares, she is getting I would assume that I'm not the only one that thinks she is attractive.

I speed-walked away from the group of sl*ts trying to talk to me. I stopped in my tracks when I was run into by a small figure. I wrapped my arms around the person's tiny waist to stabilize them. Immediately after I felt pinpricks of sparks shoot up my arms.

I was about to reply to whatever she said when a group of three bulky guys caught my attention.

The Vipers.

A rival gang, they couldn't see me treat this rare angel any different than I would treat a common slut.

"Watch it wh*re," I hissed regretting it instantly when I saw her face fall.

I snapped out of my reverie when I heard a low whistle. Both figures in front me turned around, showing me their backs which had the signature Grey Wolves symbol on the back of their leather jackets.

So she was in the gang too.

I saw Liam begin to walk towards the lean jock, I imagine his eyes were blazing with rage. The girl hastily put a hand on his arm and whispered something harshly to him.

They began to make their way back to my group, Liam put his arm around the girl.

Was that her lover?

For some reason, the thought made me sick to my stomach.

When the couple was in front of us Liam finally removed his arm. We did a handshake as our greeting.

A minute later I looked to my left to see my bubbly twin Adeline opening her mouth to probably ramble about how she was going to be best friends with the captivating brunette.

Before Adeline could jump into a fast-paced conversation. I heard the clacking of heels.

Oh god!

"Hey there handsome," said Beatrice. Her minions flanked her, they all had awful hair dyes. Beatrice was clinging to Liam's arm obviously sensing new pray. He shot a pleading look towards the girl.

"Ok get a move on he's not interested," The brunette said.

"Um, are you his girlfriend?" Beatrice said with an unattractive scowl that kind of made her look constipated.

Are you his girlfriend?

Please no, please no.

She gagged, "Ew, gosh no he's my brother."

"You don't get talk for him," Beatrice took a step towards her.

The two girls were nose to nose, my angel a few inches taller.

My angel!?

D*mn I'm becoming a p*ssy

"Yeah I do, and b*tch I suggest you leave." The girl smiled a sickeningly sweet smile. "Buh-bye."

Beatrice humphed and walked away. The girl turned back to our group.

"This is my sister, Lilly," Liam smiled proudly.


"Who were they?" Lilly asked looking around.

"I call them the triple B's," Adeline smiled brightly.

"For Bleached-Blonde-B*tches?" Lilly asked.

"I like you," Adeline wagged her finger around, "but no, For Beatrice, Brittany, and Bella... Oh, I'm Adeline by the way," My twin stuck her hand out for Lilly to shake, she took it and smiled.


"This is Will," Adeline began to point out the group, ending with me. "And lastly my amazingly-annoyingly twin brother Noah."

"Hey," Will smiled.

"Hi," Zane and Trevor said at the same time

I nodded at the girl.

"Well me and my new best-friend are going to the office," Adeline linked arms with Lilly and they walked into h*ll.





"Ok, so what's your schedule?" Adeline immediately bombarded me with questions when I walked out of the office doors.

"Here," I gave her my schedule, an impish grin grew on her face.

"YAY!" she screamed gaining the attention of the students walking around the hallway "We have every class together," Adeline began to do some type of happy dance. She threw her hand in the air and began to move her hips. Adeline's energy was infectious and soon I was laughing along with her.

"Come on let's go to your locker," she grabbed my hand and dragged down the halls.


Hey guys, thanks for reading this chapter. I'm sorry that it is very short. I was really tired righting this and just wanted to get it up.

How did you like Noah's POV?

What do you think so far?



I hope you guys have a wonderful day.

See ya later my loves!

P.S. your comments make me really happy. And to get the notification and to see someone commented "UPDATE PLEASE" it definitely helps, so please give me feedback on what you think.

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