Chapter 10: "I've Got You Now"

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If I thought my smile was bloodthirsty I was delusional. Noah looked like he wanted to tear my head off.

The guys, Zane, Will, and Liam (who followed Noah out of the room in the hall) were laughing so hard I was afraid they might pass out from lack of oxygen. To make it worse I heard two high pitched giggles behind me. I turned to find Adeline and Gabbie.

I put my hands up in surrender, "I-I..." 

Will anyone help me form a sentence? I almost thought Noah would let me off the hook... until he sprinted full force at me.


I turned and bolted. Luckily I was faster than him. Unluckily, I didn't know the layout of this house, landing me at another dead end. I ran into a room and closed the door. Breathing heavily I hid under the bed.

I heard muffled heavy footsteps in the hall. The wre gettigetting closer to my door. Noah was kicking evefy dpor open like he needed tp find an escape in a fire. I could hear my heart pounding in my ear. This was all becoming to real. It was almost like I was back again.

I could hear him, I could hear Tyler, walking down the hallway towards my rotten cell. He was coming here to do whatever he pleased with me. I thought he loved me, but in this life I have learned no one can truly love me and if they do they will always end up gone. Always somehow gone, whether they leave, die, or betray me they are always gone.

I looked up at Tyler. I have been here a week. Everyday he comes here to do his way with me,and everyday I end up the same broken mess laying on the ground. Each passing day my hope for freedom diminishes a bit more. I have barely any fight left in me.

"I've got you now," little bird, he didn't say little bird. My mind snaps back to reality almost like a mirror breaking, the shards are all jumbled up and I can't tell what's real and what isn't. But I know that Tyler didn't say those words now. Noah said it. Noah almost said the exact same thing as Tyler. I'm back, I am safe. I chant those words over and over.

I am safe. I am safe. I am safe. I am safe with Noah.

I look at Noah's face. He is laying on the ground next to me. I barely know him, but he makes me feel safe.

The fog clouding my mind finally clears when I am yanked out from under the bed.

I screamed bloody murder and thrashed in my attackers arms, my beautiful blue eyed attackers arms.

Did I just think that?

Yes you did!

He threw me over his shoulder and began walking through the maze like house. I heard doors open and close. I also heard everyone else in the house follow Noah. I couldn't tell where he was taking me. Well not until I felt a cool breeze ruffle my short night gown, which I was frantically pulling down while also trying to cling to Noah so he doesn't drop me.

We were outside.

And outside meant pool. Do you see where I'm going with this?

"No no no no no," I banned my hands against his back, "Noah no," I kicked my legs around but all he did was give a small chuckle, "NOAH NO," and I was in the pool.

The thin materially my night gown did not react well to the water. You could see everything up top, my boobs were on full display. And my scar.

I couldn't get out of the pool. Nope. I poked only my head put of the chilly water, "Can I have a towel, please?" I scanned the faces of everyone. Adeline, Will, Trevor, Zane, and Noah were all laughing their *sses off. But where is Liam?

I glared at Adeline and tried to talk to her with that weird eye communication. Her eyes went down to my night gown, then back up to me, then she was yelling at all the guys to turn around. They of course startled by Adeline's spontaneous outburst listened without a word. My dear savior, Adeline rushed inside and quickly back out with a towel. I jumped out of the pool and wrapped it around me. Luckily for me all of the boys were still turned around. So hopefully no one saw my scar or anything else.

Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse Liam banged the door open and looked furious. His face relaxed and his mouth quirked up when he saw me. He wasn't laughing but he was amused. Someone, meaning Noah, cleared his throat catching my twin's attention.

"We need to go," Liam's eyes flicked to me, "business."

Noah's eyes slid over to me too. They're gazes burned into me. Noah nodded and all the guys were walking together inside.

I looked at Adeline and she just shrugged.


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was so over due, my computer was being a b*tch and stopped working so I typed this whole chapter on my tablet. That is why there are probably many and I mean MANY mistakes, feel free to point them out to me!

Ok guys I'm sorry this chapter is so short. It's really hard to type in a tablet making the process very long.

So I took out the fight scene. I didn't add anything just deleted stuff so yeah! That's why chapter numbers are different.

Me and boy toy broke up. It was sad. I broke up with him.


I hope you guys have a wonderful day.

See ya later my loves!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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