Nick dismissed us to our quarters but didn't move from his spot. I wondered what he was waiting for but shruged it off and walked over to our bedroom anyway. Ugh! I'm never going to get over the fact it is OUR BEDROOM! Bedroom! Singular! I shook my head and told myself to forget about it. Just pretend no one's there and I'll be fine.
I somehow ended up first in front of everyone and walked in. I found Scar laying on a bed in the very back. She lay between two other beds and her headboard is against the back wall. Luke stood in the center of the room looking back and forth between us and Scar, smirking. Scar's arm was draped over her eyes but I could tell she was awake and not in the best mood at the moment. Oh gosh what did he do?
The last initiate strolled in and took a look around, leaving the door to slam. I looked back at Scar afraid she would blow up in rage but she simply laid there. At first I thought she was sound asleep and hadn't heard a thing till she spoke.
"Luke Savor," she called, "will you stop the freaking door slamming?! You are getting on my last nerve. If you slam the door one more time while I'm having my beauty sleep I will personally break you in half. Got it?!" Yep. She's ticked.
Luke smiled like a maniac with a diabolical plan meant to destroy the world. Despite my silent scolding he tiptoed as fast as he could to the door and opened it, then let it slam again. I cringed slightly at the loud noise and Scar's arm flung off her face and onto her side, her eyes open and full of frustration.
"Gosh. What the heck is wrong with you! I am literally about to snap you in half like a twig! You sir, know how tired I am. Fact, you know what, I am going to snap you in half." It is decided. Luke will die during initiation before the training even started. Scar jumped off her bed and turned furiously to meet the entire group of faction transfer initiates. Scar's face turned into a look of rage to total embarrassment. Beside me, I heared Jude scoff and whisper, "Stupid Amity. No wonder she didn't choose Erudite, she wouldn't last a second." Some boys in the back seemed to have heard and chuckled.
Now I'm the one who's angry. No one can talk about my friends like that. On Scar's behalf I jabbed her side with my elbow and glared deadly daggers at her as I strolled towards Scar. I changed my expression so that I looked calm and happy as turned to face the small group.
"It's okay Scar. Everyone makes mistakes," I said loud enough for all to hear and looked back at Jude giving her a slight glare, "Come on guys at least one of you has had to do the same thing. You know? You're angry and tired and someone walks into the room but it isn't who you think it is. It's not that big of a deal."
I swung my arm over her shoulders somewhere in my little comment there. Several nodded while Jude turned bright red. She stomped her foot in frustration and utter defeat before storming off to an empty bed to sulk in the shadows. Jude, rhymes with rude.
"You're the best Ellie, you know that right?" Scar whispered next to me. I was taken aback by her compliment. I'm used to people yelling at me, telling me to 'mind my own business' or 'statistics prove most children are able to stand up for themselves so leave it alone.'
I realized I must be taking too long to answer so I simply nodded and smiled. She smiled back a little bit and looks back at Luke who stands there with a smirk, overridden with mischief. I hear Scar sigh slightly next to me and glance quickly at her face. She looks annoyed yet, forgiving. I've seen this face before. It's hard to describe but I saw it on Vanessa when she looked at some super smart Erudite guy. I think she has a crush! AWW!!!
Suddenly a loud slam echoed throughout the room and I almost flinched. Almost. I twisted around to see Nick at the door. He has that look of authority you know? Like he knows he's boss. I wondered how long he's been training initiates.
"Alright initiates time to pass out!" he says. Jude twists suddenly in her bed, tangling the sheets, "What?"
I swear she's so clueless. I hate it when girls act dumb to get attention from anyone and everyone. It might not even be an act. I stayed silent so that could try to see if she'd figure it out till Scar speaks up, "He means 'go to sleep' obviously," she rolled her eyes causing some others to giggle. I even saw Luke staring lovingly at Scar and smiling dreamily. Aww! My statistics prove that this, right here, will totally work out.
Everyone turned to face Nick again in case he had anything else to say, and unfortunately he did, "Alrighty guys, you will be picking your own beds. This isn't Abnegation so it's not assigned," he says clapping his hands together and walking out. The others chattered excitedly and fought for beds while I turned to Scar and wiggle my eyebrows. You know that moment when you have a best friend and you have the opportunity to talk all night about nothing. My calculations show Scar + Me =Slumber Party Buddies! Immediately we both darted to our beds. Scar went to her previous one and I went to the one right next to her on the left. Luke took the corner next to Scar while the Abnegation boy took the one beside me. Since we are going to be sleeping beside each other for the next few weeks I decided to introduce myself.
"Hi, I'm Ellie Sunning and you are?" I asked politely sticking my hand out for him to shake. He takes it and smiles, "Alex Reed. I like what you did back there for Scar," he said. I blushed and looked down to hide my tomato-ness, "Thanks," I mumbled.
"Well Alex I don't know about you but I'm exhausted and would love some sleep right about now. Goodnight." I said casually, desperately trying to hide my shyness.
He nodded his head in agreement and laid down, shutting his eyes, "Goodnight," he said. I blushed and smiled again. He's too cute. I felt eyes burning holes into the side of my head so I looked up to see Jude sending me a pathetic glare. Her face was even brighter than any tomato and her eyes were bursting with jealousy. I realized that it was probably because I was talking to Alex or just because I must have embarrased her. In response I stuck my tongue out and smirked before laying down on my back, hands under my head. I didn't wait for her reaction because I already had a pretty good idea of what it looked like. I love Dauntless already.
I slowly shut my eyes and drifted off without another thought. This is going to be AWESOME!
(...Okay I guess that was ONE more thought.)

Different in the Same Ways
FanfictionEllie Stunning is your normal, everyday girl...with a secret. A dangerous secret. A down right awesome secret. Her best friend Scar has one too. When her secret is revealed the haters want to kill her and unfortunately, this includes her mother. As...