After the battle or game or whatever everyone caught the train back to the Dauntless compound. I don't know or care about anyone else I felt sick, hungry, tired and sore. Well maybe I care about one other person. In the back of the car I saw Scar holding her head in her hands which were resting on her knees, curled up into a little ball. Lazily I dragged myself over and slumped down beside her sighing as my back dragged against the wall.
"Tommorow's visiting day," she says as soon as I sit down, rubbing her eyes to look at me clearly, "Are you going to go?" Didn't she used to have glasses? I guess she wears contacts now...I need contacts.
I nodded my head slowly, too tired and sore to talk anymore. I patted my pocket which held my dull red glasses and drifted off. I thought I was only going to sleep for a few seconds.
When I awoke I took note that that I was still on the train and I was moving but, I wasn't walking. I felt hands on my back and under my legs and tensed. I never liked it when people carried me or hugged me for too long. Warily I forced my sleepy eyes open and looked up at whoever was holding me. A glimpse of white blonde hair and sapphire eyes told me it was Alex holding me. I relaxed only slightly and squirmed around trying to find the floor, "Put me down," I practically whispered.
Alex looked surprised that I had woken up but smiled anyway and set me on my feet. I landed with a bit of a thud, instantly swaying on my feet.
Alex chuckled in amusement, "Are you sure you can make it off the train? You look exhausted." I flashed a small smile, "I feel exhausted, but yeah I can make it off." He shrugged and poked his head out of the car, his silvery hair flew back and his eyes squinted against the wind. Adorable.
"El, it's time to jump!" he called, bringing me to attention. I gave him a questioning look and smiled, "El?" Alex shrugged, "Thought I'd try it out," he said, "Does it work?" I pretended to think for a moment before answering, "Yeah it works," I said nodding. Alex smiled his heart warming smile and before I could make it to the edge, he leaped gracefully out of the train.
A headache grew in my head as I readied myself to jump. I'm too tired for this. Gathering as much of my strength as I had I jumped out, landing safely but wobbly on my feet. I took a few steps but felt too tired to go on so I laid down on the gravel floor. I looked up into the starry sky and let my eyes close. Only for a few minutes, then I'll get up.
I was laying peacefully until someone picked me up again. Same as before, bridal style. This time, I knew it was Alex and being too tired to care I allowed him to carry me inside. Doors opened and closed, the roar of Dauntless in the Pit, the silence of the empty halls then the echo of heavy steps in the training room hinted as to where we were going. The dorm.
My eyes opened drowsily as Alex set me on my bed. I felt a finger poke my forehead and I scrunched up my nose. Alex chuckled, "Goodnight El," he whispered.
"Goodnight," I replied and he walked away. I looked around the room to see who else was here. No one but Scar and I. She was fast asleep on her bed, her pillow wet and her face crusty with tears. Oh jeez, what did Luke do this time.
It's Visiting Day. Scar was crying. Kill Luke. Alex called me El. We won Capture the flag yesterday. Laugh in Jude's face if she brings it up. Only if. Suddenly I realized I was awake and I was thinking about random. I shook my head slightly and sat up. Almost everyone was up. Only Scar and Alex were asleep. Most of everybody was on their way out the door. Jude looked like the walking dead as she stumbled out the door, bruised and limping. I felt a little bad that I had technically taken over the role of the bully. I decided I woudn't tease her about our victory unless she provoked it. If I don't anything nice to say, I won't say anything at all.

Different in the Same Ways
FanfictionEllie Stunning is your normal, everyday girl...with a secret. A dangerous secret. A down right awesome secret. Her best friend Scar has one too. When her secret is revealed the haters want to kill her and unfortunately, this includes her mother. As...