I sucked in a frightened breath of air. Scar and Luke approached the arena hesitantly. I feared for Scar. And I feared for Luke. Someone, if not both of them is going to get knocked out.
"Begin," Eric boomed. I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down as the two began circling each other predatoraly. If Scar needs my help I need to be ready. I filled a water bottle and scoped out the room for the first aid kit. You know, Luke may need it.
Scar finally made the first move. She pretended to go for his face before holding back and tripping him instead. I smiled as I watched Luke struggled to catch his breath. I knew all that extra training was worth it. The fight went on. Scar hit the floor and I gasped. Luke looked scared. Not of fear of losing but out of fear of hurting her. Though he continued in an even greater fear of Eric noticing. Scar dizzily rose again only to be brought down again. Scar was outraged, she'd had enough. Mercilessly she grabbed his uninjured leg and yanked him to the floor. On his way down his leg seemed to have a sudden seizure and hit her temple. I gasped. Her eyes wavered struggling to focus before she went limp.
Eric seemed displeased and I had the sudden urge to throw something at him. So I did. I grabbed a full water bottle and hid behind a crowd of initiates for cover as I threw it. It slipped over his shoulder and slammed into his neck. I mentally grinned but instead feigned surprise. He stared at me accusingly and I just stared and shrugged. His gaze moved to someone else and I actually smiled. I caught a glimpse of Nick as he struggled to keep from chuckling. He saw me looking at him and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled even wider. He waved me away, pointing to the two still bodies on the stage. I nodded in understanding.
While Eric screamed into the crowd I slipped over to an unconscious Scar who was painfully pinned down by a barely conscious Luke. I assumed he had hit his head when Scar had pulled him down and shook my head.
"I hate this," Luke mumbled. I gave him a look of mock confusion. I know he does. "Hate what?" I asked innocently. "Hurting her," he whispered, staring at her. He winced in pain as I moved him off of Scar. "I know you do," I smirked. Luke looked up at me in pure surprise and confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked wide eyed and trying to get up. I motioned for him to stay down as I examined Scar for serious injuries.
"You are anything but Erudite," I sighed, "Scar likes you, maybe even loves you but she's going through some things that she isn't sure how to handle. Everyone knows you two like each other. That's why Jude was all over you the other day, because she knew it would hurt her and your soon to be relationship." Luke's eyes grew wider and his jaw fell open. His face went red and I laughed. "I had no idea," he whispered. "Obviously," I scoffed.
I searched the crowd for Alex and waved him over. He glanced at Eric to make sure he was distracted and hurried over. "Carry Scar to the infirmary for me," I told him handing her over to him. She was so limp and pale it kind of hurt to hand her over.
A tear fell from Luke's eye when I went to help him up. "I had no idea," he whispered again. I rolled my eyes and sighed, "No crying Luke. I'm not the kind of person who likes to deal with drama." He nodded and leaned against me, he swung his arm around my neck, gripping my shoulder. I held his waist and had him test his balance. Yeah, he's got none. I allowed him to lean on me as I dragged him to the infirmary. I led him to the bed beside Scar and he collapsed. Out like a light. I sighed and pulled a stool out from a desk and sat down between the beds.
The head nurse, Mrs. Paise, rushed in and worked on Luke while I tended to Scar's bruises. Lucky for me I knew Ms. Paise's daughter, Anna and she trusted me enough to let me stay. She has also been teaching me some first aid as a bonus.
Nick came in to tell me that I was excused from training for the day and left without another word. Not even going to say something about Scar? Not even flowers or something? Rude. I soon fell asleep in an awkward position on the chair. Throughout the day I chatted with Luke, mostly about Scar. I told him about Jude and made him swear not to say a word till I told him to. He was released that night and Alex brought me dinner since I refused to leave. I really wanted to stay with Scar overnight but I was forced to leave. Literally. Security came in and dragged me out which seemed pretty hard on their part.

Different in the Same Ways
FanfictionEllie Stunning is your normal, everyday girl...with a secret. A dangerous secret. A down right awesome secret. Her best friend Scar has one too. When her secret is revealed the haters want to kill her and unfortunately, this includes her mother. As...