"Alrighty guys! It's time to pick our teams," Nick shouted. He really seems to like the word 'alrighty'. Nick spent he last few minutes describing the game of Capture the Flag. I'm really excited but, kind of scared about those guns of theirs. Apparently they are supposed to fire darts that feel like actual bullets. I wanted to ask about how they managed to do that but I'd be acting too Erudite. I have a pretty good idea of how it works anyway. Now they're choosing teams.
Eric chooses first, "Luke," he booms. I never eally took a moment and studied his features. It's a little something I do. I like details.
"Alex," Nick says. Eric is young, 17 or 18. He is tall with black, greasy short cut hair and many piercings. His eyes are a cold grey. I hate his wicked smile. I'm sure to see it in my nightmares. I am grossed out by the countless number of piercings on his face.
Eric now has Jude on his team and Nick has Scar. Almost everyone is on a team now, only a Candor boy, Ken and I were left. It was Eric's turn to choose, he didn't waste one second, "Ken," he called. He sent me a blank, dismissive stare. I guess I'm just not good enough for him. My shoulders fell as I walked to Nick and his team. I realized Scar was here and I couldn't seem upset over something as little as being chosen last, not in front of her. I'm her hand to hold and shoulder to cry on, I can't be weak and sensitive. I need to be strong for her. Quickly I flashed an excited smile and joined the group. The moment I stopped Scar was by my side with her head on my shoulder. I stood tall and kept my ground as we swayed on the rocking train. I will prove to Eric I'm more than another pretty face. He'll regret passing me over as weak.
I took a nice look at all my teammates. Their were 10 total on each team minus the leaders. Eric seemed to choose as many of the big guys as possible, while Nick chose only 5 of the stronger guys, Alex being one of them. He didn't tower over the others but he was taller than average and apparently Scar and I were some of the smaller, faster ones. Nick beamed at his team. He's obviously up to something.
Finally, we reached an abandoned part of the city. Everyone was given a gun, vest and tag that shows which team we were on. We're Nick's Green Team! YES! After everyone had jumped off the train we went our separate ways to hide our flag. I pulled Alex apart and whispered, "Follow them but stay at a distance. Find out where they put their flag." He nodded and ran off. He can be very silent on his feet when he needs to.
We followed Nick farther into the empty city. Rubble littered the streets and a thick forest surrounded us, growing right through the demolished buildings. Nick led us to the edge of the forest where we faced a massive tree. It stood tall and proud. It's branches bare. Bright orange, red and yellow leaves scattered the ground, covering it's visible roots.
Without warning he grabbed my arm, shoving the flag into my hand, "Climb the tree and put it in there," he commanded. I absolutely love climbing stuff! I don't care what it is, but I do care about how people address me. I raised my brows at him, and leaned on one foot, obviously waiting for 'the magic word'. Scar giggled behind me and I looked around casually, as if waiting for something. He rolled his eyes and stomped his foot, "Please," he said. I smiled innocently and strolled toward the tree.
"Ok," I said cheerily. I heard Scar complaining to Nick behind me, "I wanna climb the tree! How come she gets to do it!" she whined. Wow, her voice gets really high when she whines. I shook my head and put the flag between my teeth. I bit tight and circled the tree, looking for the best place to start climbing.
"Because the branches are too high for you that, and her hands look rough and callused," he said.
"Just because her hands are kind of rough doesn't mean anything," she whined. I paused in front of the tree, frowning at my hands then turned back to Scar with a stare that said, 'Excuse me!' Of course, I'm only joking. I'm not known to be easily offended. A few others behind her chuckled. She noticed my face and blushed a bit. I rolled my eyes teasingly and continued my way up the tree.
Nick was right, the first branches were too high for her to reach. I had to jump and even then I could barely reach it. Luckily I my callused hands held a firm grip on the branch and allowed me to swing myself up. With the flag still held between my teeth I climbed the tree, occasionally sliding under the large yet weak branches I couldn't climb over.
Finally I reached as high as the tree would allow and wedged the flag between branches. I heard Nick call from below.
"That's good Ellie! Come on down." I nodded even though he probably couldn't see it and began to descend. I finally reached the bottom branch and slid off, landing and balancing perfectly on a visible root. ...Whoa. Just...Whoa. I held my head high and a slight smile on my face as I approached my team. Scar, looked upset. Either someone said something or she's upset she didn't get to climb. Either way I feel guilty.
I kept quiet with my smile still on my face but let her know I was still there for her. I motioned people to step back and stood close behind her but made sure to keep a respectful distance. I don't know if she smiled or not but I could see her shoulders relax and smiled for her.
"Alright my peoples, let's hear some ideas!" Nick shouted over the soft murmurs of the initiates. Some of the Dauntless born offered to just ram through while others said it was best to go quickly through the least guarded area. The smaller guys stood there thinking thoroughly over several tactics and strategies. Scar stood alone, staring off to who knows where while I waited for Alex. I wasn't going to do anything till Alex got back with information on the location of the other teams' flag.
The snap of a twig grabbed my attention. I aimed my gun in the direction of the noise and stood my ground. All my training about how to handle and fire a gun came flooding into my mind. I put my finger on the trigger, ready to shoot. My back was straight and tense.
"Ellie! It's Alex!" a voice called. Alex? Oh...yeah. My relaxed my shoulders and I lowered my gun.
"Yeah sorry, Alex. You can come out," I replied. He came stumbling out of the forest behind a wide tree. Nick came running in, looking bewildered, "Where were you Alex?" he asked, anger building up inside of him. His face turned a slight shade of pink. Jeez, why is he so angry?
I stepped between the two and put my hand lightly on Nick's chest.
"Dude calm down. I sent him to follow Eric's team to find out where they hid their flag," I said calmly. He calmed down a bit.
" You...sent him to spy?" he asked.
"Yes, I did. I thought you might want to avoid searching the entire city/forest for the flag and risk losing our own," I replied calmly, "You're overreacting over nothing."
He shook his head and scowled at me but I could feel him rest under my hand, "This is my team Ellie. At least tell me your plan before sending people off," he mumbled.
"Ok well then Scar and I have a plan," I announced. Scar looked at me like I was insane. I walked over to her and pulled her close to my side, swinging my arm over her shoulder.
"We think we should leave four of our best shooters here as defense. Maybe, hiding in the trees. The rest will be used as a distraction while Alex, Scar and I sneak through the back and capture the flag," I said quickly in a whisper. Just in case any of Eric's own spies were around but Nick had heard it all.
He raised his brows, "You thought of this together? "he clarified to himself.
I nodded. He switched his gaze between the both of us till finally, he made his decision.
"Sounds good. Avery, Ben. Maggie and Tim, you guys stay as defense. Hide in the trees and shoot at anything moving. The rest of us will follow Alex." Everyone immediately moved into positions. I turned to Scar my eyes beaming with pride.
"We never really talked this over," she whispered.
"No. But you were thinking the exact same thing weren't you. At least the distraction part," I reasoned. She smiled and gave me a quick side hug before running off with Nick and his group. I smiled and rushed after her.
I'm almost there.
IM SO SORRY SHARARA! I've been so busy with school and whatever my mom plans for me and blah blah blah... I didn't have enough time to get to the actual game but do what you can with this. Go on to the game and describe your battle and stuff and I promise I'll get it done as fast as possible. Sorry and thxs again :3

Different in the Same Ways
FanfictionEllie Stunning is your normal, everyday girl...with a secret. A dangerous secret. A down right awesome secret. Her best friend Scar has one too. When her secret is revealed the haters want to kill her and unfortunately, this includes her mother. As...