I am awake, but my eyes are closed. Darkness is all I see, and at the moment, I welcome it. All I want to do is sleep but I know I have to get up. If I don't then Nick will come barging in screaming at the top of his lungs, blowing a whistle, banging on pots or whatever insane thing he plans on doing.
Still engulfed in my temporary darkness I can hear the others snore, moan, sniff or squirm. At first I am alarmed that there are people in my room and until it comes to me. I don't have my own room anymore. There is no such thing as privacy here. I sigh as I drag myself out of bed forcing my eyes open. I glanced at the little clock above the door. 6 am! I couldn't wait till 7 at least! Sighing again I looked around, taking in my surroundings.
The beds were still set in perfect rows with little nightstands between each one. I found the stall-less toilets behind Jude and showers with thankfully some
Scar was sleeping on her side facing Luke, snoring softly while Luke did the same, facing her. I mentally awed.
Alex was on his stomach with both arms under his pillow, holding his head up a little. The sheets tangled at his feet meaning he moved around a lot and his tangled hair, beaded with sweat. Honestly, I thought it looked adorable but I was worried about how he slept. That's what my older brother looked like when he had nightmares after a friend of his died.
Ignoring the subject, for now, I searched the room for any other early birds. I saw Jude on at the far side of the room hidden by the shadows, sound asleep, her mouth so wide a bird could live in it with plenty of room to stretch. It seemed like the entire room was split in half between girls and boys because of her. All the boys chose beds as close to her as possible while the girls took any other bed available.
I decided people would start getting up soon so I raced for the showers. I tiptoed when I got close to Jude because I was saving an awesome wake up for her. Quickly I snuck into the restroom and was pleasantly surprised.
The restroom was just one big room with showers on one wall. Thankfully they were generously curtained for privacy. On the other side were rows of toilets and sinks with individual mirrors. Stall-less. I groaned.
I rushed through the shower and hurried out when I was dressed. My dark grey and black sweater fit well over a thin black shirt and my shorts ended at perfect length right above my knee. They were perfect for jogging as I made my outside toward the Pit. I bought a small bottle of black paint and brush. With my bag in hand I caught some beetles and dropped them in. Then I quickly jogged back, ignoring all the confused stares I got for carrying around a bag full of fat beetles and black paint.
When I walked in everyone was still asleep. I rolled my eyes and whispered to everyone to wake up but to leave Jude asleep for a special surprise I had planned for her. They agreed as I ran to Alex's bed.
"Alex! Alex wake up! Alex I need your help!" I screamed jumping on his bed and shaking his shoulder. His eyed shot open and he jerked straight up, knocking me off the bed. My curls hung in my face and I pouted.
"Oww, my butt!" I whined. He blushed bright red and chuckled, "I'm sorry," he said. I nodded and smiled, "It's fine but I need your help with something," he nodded, "Do you like or respect Jude in any way?" I asked quickly. He shook his head, "Pfft! Of course not she's so rude and cocky!"
I held up my bag of beetles and paint, "Perfect," I smirked. He smiled and helped me up telling the now awake Luke to wake Scar. Not a good idea but who am I to interfere with true love?
I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to Jude's bed. All the guys were in the showers so I had plenty of time to finish. I handed him the stuff and motioned him to stay and be quiet. He nodded and I rushed into the bathroom. I soon came out with a tube of toothpaste. He mouthed to me 'that was fast' and I shrugged ignoring his comment. I traded the toothpaste for the paint and stood on my tiptoes to whisper in his ear, "Put a little toothpaste on the beetles and put them all over her. Cover every inch of skin." He smirked and instantly popped the cap off the tube. He's so evil when he wants to be.

Different in the Same Ways
FanfictionEllie Stunning is your normal, everyday girl...with a secret. A dangerous secret. A down right awesome secret. Her best friend Scar has one too. When her secret is revealed the haters want to kill her and unfortunately, this includes her mother. As...