Stay Strong

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-Third Person POV-

How does someone so perfect, feel so insecure? As to scar their skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt more.


The blade was sharp, and Lance couldn't care less. In fact, his eyes never laid on it, as they were locked on the mirror in front of him.

He couldn't look away. His reflection just staring back. Now that he could truly see himself, he realized how much of a mess he was. His forearms were covered with white bandages, with the faint color of red leaking through them. His hair was wild, and his eyes were puffy with tears falling. His face itched from all of the tears that stained it, but that wasn't his main focus.

The blades' point glimmered in the mirror. Lance hesitated a bit, but soon he could feel the sharp blade sinking into his skin. He held back a scream, not wanting to draw attention. He couldn't let his teammates see him like this. Not now, at least.

It stung, bad. A dark red liquid soon started to show itself, and that's when Lance stopped. He then moved the blade to his other arm. Unfortunately, he found a small place where he hasn't gotten to yet, and started working there.

Lance hissed. He could feel the other scars opening up, and it burned. For a moment, Lance didn't feel in control of his own body anymore, as his mind took over him. He wasn't aware of how deep he was sinking the blade into his skin, and totally oblivious to the blood drops that fell. His mind distracted him from all that.

Their harsh words, their rude comments.. It all kept repeating in his mind.

'You're gonna cost us the whole mission if you don't stop fucking up!'

'Keith is a much better pilot than you, and you know it.'

'The only reason you're here..'


Lance finally felt it. The blood that slid on the floor. It was starting to form a small puddle. Lance yelped, throwing the blade across the small bathroom and into the bathtub. He looked down at his arms. They weren't little cuts, they were big, deep ones.

Quickly, Lance pulled out the bandages that hid under the counter, and wrapped them around his arms. It was a relief at first. He tightened the bandages to hopefully put on more pressure.

He wiped up some blood that was still on his arms, and then wiped up the small puddle on the floor.

'Why did I think this was a good idea?' He thought as he looked at himself once again in the mirror. Anyone could agree that he looked even worse than before a few minutes ago.

He hid his face in his hands and groaned. 'Why did I do that?'

A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door behind him. Lance jumped and snapped his head back.

"Hey Lance, you in there?" Came a voice. Probably Hunk's.

"Uh-uh, yeah!"

"You good dude? You've been in there for a while."

"I'm fine!"

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