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A/N: Ayooo! It's been a while since I've updated this oneshot book, and what better way to come back with some more angst! I know it's been over a year or two (?) since I last updated so please don't attack me lmao. Anyway, I went through this oneshot book and found many drafts that I haven't finished from months ago, and this is one of them. So why not finish what was started? Hope u enjoy the upcoming dreadfulness that feels like a bullet has gone through your heart, upon reading about your favorite character and their life struggles, and how they plan on resolving them. Whether it be a good, or bad decision. Either way, that choice will stick with them forever, as well as with their loved ones.

Enjoy loves 💘

   "God, where the hell is he..." Keith muttered. For the past hour, he's been walking around the castle, looking for that damn boy.

  He knew something was wrong from the start.  Lance barely touched his food whenever they ate, he became more silent as the days past, and he noticed no matter where they were, Lance wouldn't take off that damn jacket of his.

  That damn boy.

  Keith went to go check the boys' room again. He wasn't there, but he noticed something new was on his bed since the last time he checked.

  It was... a note?

  Picking it up, Keith read it quickly, eyes skimming over the neatly written words,

  ' This is the end... I'm sorry, but I can't take it anymore. Going home is what I long for, to see my family. To look up at the stars and relish their feelings of hope...

By the time you read this message, I'll be long gone. I'll be lost in a paradise full of a dark void where nothing else matters. Before I part, I want to let a certain someone know, that whenever you feel alone, just look up at the stars and there I'll be. When a tear streaks down your cheek, the stars will glisten, and that's when you'll know that I'm watching over you.

Being a part of Voltron seemed like a dream until now. But, I suppose nothing ever lasts forever. I understand now that I have no place as a Paladin, and anything I do would mess up the mission... it's for the best that I confess this. Nothing is your fault. The fault is entirely mine, for not being able to conceal my emotions and find a way to work through this.

You've always asked me why I've been so interested in writing lately. I guess this explains it...

Now get out there, Voltron. The universe is waiting for you.

Yours, Lance.'

Keith felt his entire body go ridged. The boy began to shake in his place, feeling paralyzed. He couldn't think, couldn't speak. He only managed a choked sob to escape his lips, before turning around to face the large glass window.

Beyond the glass contained thousands of bright stars. He looked down as something else caught his eye. Lances' bayard lie in a pile of broken glass pieces, where blood was beginning to dry around the weapon. Keith gasped, and a single tear slid down his face. The boy was in shock of everything that he was taking in, and nothing could prepare him for the upcoming breakdown.

  For now, Keith looked up into the sky through the broken glass window, a big enough gap for a human body. The stars shone down at him, but one star in particular stood out from the rest. It glistened, as if it were winking at him.

  It was then Keith dropped to his knees, pulling the note to his chest.

  That was when he truly broke down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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