I Hate Me Too

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-Third Person POV-

Lance always thought that he was a screw up. That he could do nothing right. That he messed up every single little thing. He began to notice how much his teammates have been ignoring him lately. Like he never entered the room.

He noticed how mad they would get when he messed up, and how annoyed they sounded when they heard his voice. They always told him, 'Shut up', to just to simply 'Go away.'

It came to the point where Lance was actually questioning if he was worthy of being a Paladin. To the point where he would cry himself to sleep every night, their words repeating in his head.

He started to hate himself too. His teammates obviously never enjoyed his presence, and all he was good for was screwing up.

It never made sense to him though. All he tried to do was make everyone laugh and have a good time. But they didn't care for that. They only cared about getting the job done, and that was it.

Pretty soon, it got bad. They started teasing him more, killing him with words. He'd always respond with, 'It's okay!' Or 'I'm fine!'

He never shared his feelings with anyone. Mainly because he thought they wouldn't care, and that he didn't want to seem like he was looking for attention. It was hard.

And here he is now. His hand shaking as he wrote his final words on paper.

Sorry I wasn't good enough. I tried, really. I tried to get some appreciation, I tried to prove my worth, I tried it all. But nothing ever happened. Nothing changed. All I was trying to do was make you guys laugh, couldn't you see? Well, I'm sorry for getting in the way. Now, though, you won't have to worry about that. You won't have to hear that annoying voice anymore. You won't have to hear any of it. Because by the time you read this letter, I'll be dead. But look on the bright side. You can finally find a new Paladin for Blue that can actually help the team. I just want to say,
I'm sorry.

I hate me too.

Lance McClain

The last thing he heard was his own Bayard going off, right there in front of him.


Hai ppl 🌸 sorry u had to wait so long for an update, it's just that there's school and on weekends I'm somehow always somewhere lel. Also I can never think of any ideas...rip.

I plan on doing a Christmas special, but I have absolutely no ideas. But if u have some, ur welcome to request! It doesn't even have to be about Christmas. Requests are open❤️

Welp, I hope y'all liked it and tysm for reading 💐

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