If Only

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-Third Person POV-

Lance pressed his body up against the wall as he grew tired of the pain. He kept a hand over his chest, putting pressure on top of the new wound. Across from him lay a Galra solider, who's weapon was beside them.

Lance's bayard was to the right side, dried blood near the trigger. He hissed as more blood streamed down his chest, the pressure of his hand not doing too much.

Blood also seemed to trickle down his forehead. Must be from when the solider smashed their gun onto his head. He's just surprised he hasn't gotten a concussion.

His helmet was only a few feet away. If he could somehow get to it, then he could contact the others and let them know that he's hurt.

Lance attempted to stand, but only ended back on the ground when his knees bent. Only then did he realize how much he was trembling. He needed to get his helmet, he needed help, and he needed it now.

Instead of getting up, he reached his hand out to it. His wound stung, and he winced. But he refused to give up. Finally close enough, Lance launched his hand forward and was able to grab his helmet.

He breathed heavily before slipping it on. He asked, "H-Hello? Is anyone there?" His voice was raspy, and sounded fully exhausted. "C-Can anyone hear me?" He tried again. "Hello?"

It was silent. But Lance perked up once he heard static. His hopes almost seemed to rise as well.

"La-nce? Is-at you?" He heard a voice. It sounded similar to Keith's.

"Yeah, it's me. I think I have a problem.." he said as he looked at the hole in his chest, wincing as it stung. "Gah.."

"Wher-re you?" The other asked. "I'm uh.." he trailed off, his eyelids growing heavy. "L-nce?"

"Near the..."

"Lance, you-eed to st-y with us. We're com-ng to find you."

Lance couldn't hear him as his vision blurred. He fell over, knocking his helmet right off. It rolled across the floor.

"Lance?! Are y-u still-ere? We-ming!"

But he couldn't hear them. His armor was drenched in his own blood, and more streamed faster down his head. He laughed sadly. This was it. This is how he would die. He never got to go back home. He never got to do so many things. He never got to confess his love to Keith.

Keith...he's safe, isn't he? He has to be. That was him talking through the coms, wasn't it? Yeah, he's just fine. Lance smiled. All this time he was afraid. Afraid of rejection and possibly losing a friend. Afraid of judgement. But now, it was too late.

"If only I told you I loved you..." He whispered,
before his world faded into darkness.

The Paladins all regrouped where they last left their Lions. Each of their faces had at least a tiny bit of joy, as they knew they successfully completed a mission.

They all walked up and congratulated each other on a job well done. It was only then did Keith notice something was off.

"Hey guys, where's Lance?" He turned his head, hoping to find the Blue Paladin running up to the group as he had to fight off a few extra soldiers. But his eyes met the far side of an empty room.

"I'm not sure." Pidge answered. "Should we try looking for him?"

Before anyone could answer, a voice came from their helmets. "Hello?" It was raspy and tired, but it sure was Lance's.

Keith was the first to answer back. "Lance? Is that you?" Concern washed over his voice, and it was pretty obvious.

"Yeah, it's me. I think I have a problem."
He hissed, "Gah.."

"Where are you?"

"I'm uh..." Lance trailed off.


"Near the..."

At this point Keith knew that something bad happened. The way Lance was talking gave it away.

"Lance, you need to stay with us. We're coming to find you."

A moment later, there was a thud from their helmets and shortly after there was a rolling sound. Keith's heart dropped.

"Lance?! Are you still there? We're coming!" Keith yelled, as they all started running in different directions.

A few seconds later, Lance's faint voice entered the coms again.

"If only I told you I loved you.."
At that moment, Keith froze.

Sorry this kinda sucked, I hope you liked it anyway ! Thanks for reading❣️

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