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I nodded my head at his response..

" so we're close now right?" He suddenly ask and I wonder if it was a mistake telling him my name. I turn my head to him giving him the dirties stare ever.

" okay. So I can I borrow some mone-"

" woah! Slow down Jeon." I said lifting my finger to him, signaling him to stop.

" I don't get close that fast." I rolled my eyes and cross my hands.

Why's is this elevator so slow?

" can you lend me some money?" He asked with a cold tone.

" why would I?" I said not lookin at him but the door in front of me waiting for it to open so I can breath.

" I really need the money" he sighed.

" for what?" I said still not looking.

" do I have to tell you?"

" if it's a good reason, then I'll help you. If it's not then forget it." I said finally facing him.

He didn't answer. He was looking down at his feet with a cold expression.

" no?" I said as the elevator door opened.

" okay. Then bye." I said as I took a step out the door.


" MY SISTER IS IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM!" He suddenly shouted and I halted in my steps.

I spun around on my feet and glared at him.

" this better not be one of those stupid tricks of yours Jeon." I warned.

" it's not. My sister really is in the emergency room..." He said..

" and I don't have the money to pay for the hospital bills.." He said looking at the floor.

I tried to process everything in my mind before speaking but my legs did its own action.

I was walking towards my car with my back facing him. My softly bite my lips as I hear a sigh behind me. My car was right there so I halted my steps in front of my car door and turn to him.

" are you gonna get in the car or stay there like a dumbass?" I said and he looked at me.

" what?"

" get. In. The. Car." I said and rolled my eyes.

Why is he so dumb when I'm being nice for once.

He walked over to my car and got in the passenger seat.

I buckled in and started the engine.

" how old is your sister?" I asked with my always cold tone.

" 7"

" what's her name."

" Jeon sumi"

I nodded as I started driving out the parking.

I drove down the streets for 5 minutes until he asked me a question.

" where are we going?" He asked.

" hospital. Where else." I blurted out.

He remained quiet....

After 10 minutes we came to the hospital. We got out the car and walked towards the hospital entrance. 
I went up to the lady at the desk..

" excuse me do you know what room Jeon sumi is in?" I asked.

" may I ask what is your relationship with her?" She asked .

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