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Jungkook's pov~

My eyes were a burning flame. The only thing on my mind right now, was to kill Dan...

That man.... nearly killed her... and he dare touch her after I warned him...

My hands were forming white fists as I continue to think about him... I will kill him...  I will kill him. Words can't explain the excruciating madness phase that I am going through right now.

I kissed her cold hands again and went up to her forehead and kissed her there too. I sat back down and lay my cheek against the back of her hand, I face myself to her beautiful beaten face... when I knew that jinso was lying to me when I saw yooni on the floor.... It was outrageous... I was furious.... the feeling of being devoured into a demon came to me and I wanted to punch the loving soul out of her so badly...

I don't know what's wrong with me. Why didn't I recognized my feelings earlier? Why didn't I just cuddle with her at the hotel when I had the chance  to? I had to be.... such a dumbass.... and now look at her Jungkook! SHE IS LAYING IN A HOSPITAL BED AGAIN BECAUSE OF YOU!

Tears started to roll down my numb cheeks again... I couldn't forgive myself. I will never let this happen again... no one can hurt her again... no one can.

I stared at her pale face. I squeezed her hand softly as I sighed but it came out more like a cough...

" i-im so sorry..." my lips quivered...

" I don't know what else to say.." I sobbed.

I hear the door open as hoseok and jimin came in with nothing but dull faces.

" hyung." I say as I got up.

He looked at me.

" I have something to do. Watch over her while I'm gone" i say wiping the tears off my face...

" where are you going?" He asked.

" Personal things. I have to do this... or this will haunt me forever." I say grabbing my jacket.

I bent over and pecked her dry lips...

" I love you..." I say against her lips before leaving...

-----------------Three years later-------------------

Yoonie pov~

I can hear it... the machines that kept me alive... I can hear the beeping of the monitors and I can feel the needles in my arms. My consuming fear got the best of me, and I had no choice but to face it. They say running from your fear only makes it stronger.... and it's true. I've been running away from it ever since my older brother died, I know it's not healthy to not move on but who could? Who can move on when such trauma happened to you in a shirt notice?

My whole body is numb from staying in the same position. My body is weak and unstable. I can feel my muscles slowly withering away. My lips, I can feel them dry as fuck. I can feel my eyelids heavy as ever. After that incident, I didn't think I was going to make it. I really thought that I was going to die and leave my brother behind. I couldn't have leave him behind. I wouldn't want him going through the same shit I have, the same trauma...

I try to move my hand but only one finger twitched. I try to use all my muscles to move in a way but it only created little movements. My eyelids were heavy, but I tried to open them... when saw a small bright light at the end of the dark road... I smiled internally. Finally.... I can see the light again... I felt like I was running towards the light as my eyes open wider. I had to squint my eyes to adjust my eyesight in the room.

" yooni?" I heard a familiar voice.

" Yooni are you awake?!" I hear chairs being moved and things falling... soon enough I felt a small hand hug mine.
The warm sensation made me feel alive again.

After adjusting my eyesight to the light, I came in contact with a white ceiling. My eyes weren't fully opened but I can make it out a hospital room..

" yooni! O my hand your awake!" I heard another voice. This time I knew who's voice it belonged to... it was my dear brother... hoseok.

" jimin get the doctor!" He shouted as he came to my side and engulf my hand with his tight hold.

" yooni-ah can you see me?" He softly spoke.

My throat was dry and crusty, I wanted to speak to him. But I couldn't voice out anything. I can see him clearly now.. his worried face, relieve and happy.. he has gotten older... and I could just imagine the horror when I look into a mirror.

" noona, it's me. Hoseok" he smiled with tears in his eyes.

I nodded and creased my lips into a smile.

" thank God you recognise me" a tear dropped from his eye.

Soon the door opened and walked in these people with white coats.

" Miss are you feeling alright? Are you hurting somewhere?" A man came and asked me

I shook my head.

" can you move your right hand for me if you see the number three on this paper, and if you see the a different number then move your left hand." He says and I nodded.

He placed a piece of paper in front of me. It showed the number five so I moved my left hand.

"Very good. Now can you move your big toe for me?"

I moved my big toe.

After some tests. They confirmed that I was fine and recovered from my scars and wounds, but I was still recovering from the coma. All my muscles are numb and relaxed they need to be back into system before I can leave.

It's has been two hours now and my voice seems to be getting back. Jimin and hoseok was keeping me company by updating me with the world...

But there was one person that wasn't here with me. I was curious as to why. I was sad that he wasn't here,but I guess he has a life too. I know that he was the one who started my death bed, but I was the one who gave in. I was the one who sacrificed myself for him because... I love him... it's true when people say love can blind you.. . And that's exactly what I went through. Even though they havent mentioned yet... I want to hear about him. Make sure he is living okay. The feeling I have on that day still lingers around my heart and mind... I can't get the feeling away... it's not something easy to let go of. So I asked out of curiosity.

" hey guys..." I asked.

" yes?" They both looked at me.

" where's jungkook?" The way his name rolled off my tongue gave me such emotions.

The room went silent...

" uhh..." they both look at each other.

" umm..." they nervously stare at each other. Literally sweat beads on their heads.

" what. What happened?" I asked when they didn't speak up.

When they saw my worried face and half broken expression they knew I was going to get the answer either way.

Jimin sighed...

" yooni-ah..." jimin walked over to the side of my bed and softly say while he settle his hand on my shoulder. His face was showing nothing but pain. My heart began to race... My breath hitched when I heard his next words... 

" jungkook's in prison...."

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