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Yooni's pov~

My body ached. My head hurt. My legs felt paralyzed. My arms are weak....

What's happening to me?

I tried to open my eyes from tee darkness, which seems familiar. My eyes twitched as I felt like they were glued shut. I twisted my neck to the side and try to open my eyes again desperately. I hate this darkness.. This feeling of pitch black surrounding me is suffocating me. I shifted lightly again and again... Until finally.... I see a small light...... I opened my eyes bigger and bigger until I finally see a white wall.... I blinked and focus my attention to what's in the room. It had white curtains, and a heart monitor. I also had wires stuck in my arms.

I-I'm in the hospital?

What happened?

I turn my head to the side as a women in white clothes came towards me. She smiled and rubbed my arms gently.

" you're awake ma'am.." She smiled as she picked up the phone and called a doctor.

" w-why am I in the hospital?" I asked in a crusty dried up voice.

Her face crunched up and she looked at me worried...

" you don't remember why?" She asked.

I shook my head....
I can feel my body aching in pain but somehow I feel like that's not the reason...

I was soon snapped out of thought as a man came to me lifting up his fingers in front of my face.

" ma'am how many fingers am I holding up?" He asked.

" 3" I said and he nodded.

" can you move your big toe for me please?" He asked and I did so.

" mmm that's good, you can still move" he said and wrote down something in his clipboard.

The lady from before whispered something in his ear. He gasp lightly and looked at me with big eyes.

" you don't remember why your here?" He asked.

I shook my head completely clueless.

" let me call the people who was with her from before. See if she recognized them..." The doctor said and walked out.

" what happened to me?" I asked the nurse.

" well..." She sighed.

" you got here due to a high fever, causing you to black out. The amount of stress you put on you, the more you get sick. Then later on when you have already woken up, you had a heart attack due to the stress you had." She explained and I was shocked.

I was a healthy female with no worries... And I had stress problems...... And a heart attack!?

" do you perhaps know why?" I asked.

" no ma'am." She said.

I nodded and turn my attention to the screen tv that was not even on. But I can see my reflection through the dark screen and I was afraid. Not because of the dark.... It was because of the news i heard about me.

I was just about to ask another question while she was checking my pulse but...

" NOONA!!" Someone barged through the door and ran over to engulf me into a painful yet comfortable hug.

I was shocked to see such man hug me and call me noona..

I gently try to push him away but his arms were around me tightly and I think he was crying too...

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