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I looked at him in absolute confusion.
Hurting himself?
What have he done wrong?
And to me?
I look at the man who was resting peacefully at my hips. A small smile crept on my face and I unknowing ruffled his hair slight to get it out of his eyes. I feel so weird towards him already and it's a good yet bad feeling. I sighed as my eyes grew tired. I looked at the man standing in behind Jungkook.

He looked at me with soft eyes and pat Jungkook's back one last time.

" please..." He smiles.

" he's only lost. He needs you now than ever." He added and I was confused again.

" just promise to stay with him." He told me and left.

I was triggered with feelings. I can not think clearly. Yet his word rings in my head and I can't just get it out.

~ time skip~

" yeah. I'm sure." I said as I try to convince my brother and friend that I can stay by myself at home.

I was discharged from the hospital, but for some reason, these two wanted to stay with me at my house.

" come on! I'm you brother!" He shouted.

" I heard your girlfriend calling you. She wants to be with you. Just spend a couple of nights with her. I'll be fine hoseok." I told him rubbing his shoulder.

" ugh!" He ruffled his hair.

" okay. But Jungkook will have to stay with you." He says pointing at me.

" what? I though he has a-"

" Jungkook!" I hear a voice that somewhat made my heart stop for awhile. I wasn't comfortable hearing her voice.

A girl came out of Jungkook's apartment and had her arm around Jungkook's waist from the back.

" he clearly has a girlfriend who needs attention hoseok." I say as I ruffled my brother's hair.

" oh come on!" He sighed with his head up.

" I'll be fine stupid!!" I push his arm towards the elevator. He glared at me before kissing my head.

" okay, but call me if you feel any pain." He said.

" okay, bye." I waved as the elevator door closes.

I turn to see Jungkook standing there in the same place while his eyes begged me to allow him to stay with me, but my gaze looked down to the arms that was wrapped around his waist.

" bye Jungkook." I closed the door as I make my way into the apartment.

I put my stuff down and decided to clean up since the place seems messy. I opened the windows and dust the shelves. I changed into a cute outfit and decided to go for a walk around town.

As I walked out I see Jungkook taking out the trash

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As I walked out I see Jungkook taking out the trash.
" oh. Hello." I smiled as I see him.

" hey." He smiles back.
He took one look at my clothes and asked..

" going somewhere?"

" yeah. I'm going to the night market. And you know.. Just spend time to myself I guess." I say as I held both my hands together.

" oh." He says.

" mind if I come." He asked.

" sure you can come." I say and his eyes lit up.

" wait." He says and rush to grab his hat and phone.

" okay." He closes the door and left with me.

~ time skip~

" so tell me something about you" I spoke as we walked side by side in the night. 

" what do you want to know?" He asked .

" anything. Like... What's your favorite color? How did we became friends and all that." I said still watching the road ahead of me.

There was a moment of silence...

And I have felt like I said something wrong.

" u-um y-you don't have to a-answ-"

" you are important to me." He says it loud and clearly. My eyes widen as a familiar feeling of emotion comes to me. His steps have come to a halt, and his eyes were looking at me with a face expression I couldn't tell.

My mouth parted a little while he steps closer.

" you are everything to me. And don't you ever forget that." He suddenly pulls me into a soft embrace as I stood there shooked. I didn't know what to do. I was confused. My heart jumped when he told me that. I feel like he had said that before.

I pat his back and rubbed his shoulder.

" okay. I know... And you are important to me too" I smiled as I pulled us apart.

" mmm." I patted his head cutely.

He nodded and the night continues.

~ time skip ~

I yawned loudly as I just woke up. I did my morning routine and headed towards the gym. I see Jungkook going out to, and apparently at the same time.

" gym?" I asked on the elevator.

" gym." He said with a small smile.

I nodded my head and as the elevator door opens. I jogged my way out with Jungkook by my side.

As soon as we reached the gym. All the happy talks and smiles that was in our faces drop as Jungkook suddenly pulled me behind him.

This alerted me.

I glared at the man in front of him.

" what are you doing here?" Jungkook asked annoyed.

He shrugged.

" don't touch her dan." He glares at him with a deadly face.

" I will bury you alive."

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