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" me? What did I do? For all I know, you could've gotten that before you came...you ass" I say as I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me.

" says the one who was just a on top of me, straddling my hips.." He says with his arms crossed.

" shut up." I growled.

" go. I'm fine." I say as I make my way towards the door..

" no."

" huh?"

" I'm not going." He said and I hear his voice far away in my apartment.

" yah! I said get out!" I yelled as I make my way towards my bedroom.

I stomped in the hallway, feeling the wall along because it was dark. As soon as I reach the door.. I opened it.

" I SAID GET OUT BEFORE I BREAK THAT BONER OF YOU-" I was cut off when some rammed into me pushing me back into the hallway with my back slammed on the wall...

He held my arms firmly and his crotch was pressed on me with no gaps at all.
My breath hitches as I felt his furious breathing on my neck, his lips were skimming over my collarbone as his warm breaths sets a tingling feeling inside me.

With both my arms by my head, his scent plays along my nose, urging me to stay in that position longer...we stayed in that position for a while until I coughed.

" uh. What are you doing?" I say irritated.

He didn't say anything.. Just his breathing on my neck.

" dude!" I try to push him. He didn't budge.

" move bitch!" I grab his arm and push his chest.

I struggle to fight against him.. I may be good with moves but definitely not in strength. I got one of my hands free and I raised it up high, I'm going to punch the shit out of him... How dare he do this to me.

As soon as my hand was only 3 inches way from his head... He spoke.

" can you just hug me back?" He say barely in a whisper... Bug I still heard him.

My hand stops in mid-air.

" what?!" I asked as I pulled him away.. But our body's was still pressed in each other, I just moved his head out of my neck. His body was a little bit limped and some reason.. I felt nervous and anxious. I was worried.

" what the hell you talking about." I growled.

" hug me back." He Simply said.

"What the-no!" I try to push him again but his head just dug itself back into the crook of my neck As he took deep breaths.

" I SWEAR, I WILL KILL YOU JEON!" I yelled in annoyance.

I grabbed his arms again...

" it's been a very long time since I had a hug.." He says softly..

I stopped everything... What? I stayed silent.

" can you just hug me? I feel really comfortable in your arms..." He said straight out.

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