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" huh?" He asked.

I sighed, " the power in my apartment is off and they think it might be dangerous to stay in there. So can I stay here?" I asked.

" for how long?"

" I don't know." I said.

" sure, I guess." He says as I walk my way in the apartment.

I say on his couch and he sat across from me. His eyes never left mine as we bore into each other's eyes. I could feel the strong tension between us. We are close but...NOT that close to be living with each other.

" is this what you do all day....." I asked not changing my facial expressions.

" you haven't been to the gym lately." He says and my breath stopped a bit. I gained my mind and spoke.

" I have a lot of things on my mind now days." I said as I act like its nothing. I can feel my hands starting to sweat. My stomach twist.

" oh.. Okay." He says and never moved. He just kept starin.

" can you look somewhere else."

" no." He says.

" look at your plant" I say

" no." He said plainly.

I sighed and held my head with my two fingers.

" is this how we going to be like?" I asked.

" yes."

I groaned and pull my head back. I leaned my head against the back of the couch. I closed my eyes and shifted back and forth. That uncomfortable feeling was still there.

" CAN YOU STOP STARING!" I suddenly outburst.

He jolted up a bit and smirked.

" why? You getting nervous?" He managed to ask.

" no." I glared at him.

" I don't like people staring at me. It makes me feel dark and cold." I said crossing my arms.

I hated being in the dark.

" dark? Cold?" He asked.

" I hate being in the dark." I say.

" why?"

" because..." I realized I was explaining this dumb personal fear in front of a man whom I just met a couple weeks ago.

"... Never mind. You wouldn't understand." I say leaning back again.

" you know.. If you don't tell me... We're gonna have nothing to talk about and I'm gonna end up staring at you." He says.

I lifted my head and have him a look.

" why don't you stare at a potato." I groaned.

" I am." He says.

" shut up." I closed my eyes and put my hand over my eyes to rest, but it was more to calm me down.

I hear him sighed lightly.

" yoo-"

" my brother.... " I started...

" died in front of me......" I kept that arm on top of my eyes.

He quietly listens in the front.

" I never got the chance to see him...."

" and when I got there..... Everything was pitch black. I couldn't see anything." I paused as I felt my throat go dry.

" I.... I hear him die.. His groans... His last breath...." I say as I lost myself in my voice.

" I tried...." My chest rising up and down in a unsteady pace.

" I really did.." My voice comes out like a whisper.

" I tried to find him. Hold him one last time in my arms.... "

" but.... I couldn't find him..... I yelled... I screamed...... I fell to the floor on my knees and searched for him...... But nothing.... " I lost myself at the moment.... My head my voice crack.

Jungkook's pov~

As I listen to her pain.... I can feel it too..... Her arm over her eyes, while her lead leans back on the couch. I sat quietly across from her listening.... I didn't dare say a word. I wanted to listen.

I hear her voice crack.... Her breath hitches in the back of her throat.

" I hate the dark...... I hate it so much......" She tries to say strongly but it comes out like a cry for help. Her arm that she had beside her was clenched into a fight fist. She bit her lower lips... Her chest rising unevenly.

My foot shook lightly as in bounces on the ground impatiently.... But what was I waiting for? Am I expecting something?

She suddenly got up quickly. Too quickly, I couldn't see her face as she turns her back towards me.

" if darkness was a person...... I'd beat the living hell out of it." She says as I hear a crack in the sentence.

" yooni." I say.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do?

" you have to-"

" leave? Yeah... I know.... I will..." She said and turns to me.
I stood there shocked.......as if a truck hits me.... I see her pain.... A huge pain... Her eyes tell me a story. Her tears showed fear... A huge fear...

" I'm sorry if I bothered you. I shouldn't have come here." She said quickly and turned around ready to leave.

I was still speechless.

I didn't say anything..

But something about her tears makes me hate them. I don't want to see her tears..... It just shows to much.
Her pain. Her life.. Her fear. My heart feels heavy and my legs went numb when I saw her.

" yooni." I say.

" yooni!" I yelled as I ran  out the door to catch her before she leaves. She took the elevator while I ran down the stairs. I was already out of breath when I ran into the lobby.

I see the elevator and stood in front of it. Then seconds later... It opened revealing her. Tears stained her face as she cupped her mouth. She didn't seem to notice me as she took a run and ran into my chest.

Her small body in my arms as I hugged her in. She struggled to get out of my hold as she cried silently.

" shh.... " I put my hand through her hair.

" I never said I didn't want you at my house....." I started..

" don't cry.....

...I won't leave you in the dark......

I promise...."

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