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" w-what.....?" I say as my heart tightens on me....

" how?" I pulled away..

" I don't know....." He cried holding my hands up to his cheeks...

" but... We just saw her today? How?!" I feeled angered.

" t-the hospital called me saying that she died today after we left.." He cried...

I couldn't believe the news..

" jungkook..." I say seeing him so broken down...

" I'm sorry..." He gasp catching his breath to only cry again.

" why?" I held his cheeks..

" I-I'm just a stranger to you... And... And I come to your comfort like t-this.... I'm sorry..". He cried with more tears running down his face.. He wiped the numerous of times making his cheeks red from his sleeve rubbing it to much.

He looked down to my hands that was holding his.. He cried.. That was all he could do..

" w-what a-am I g-going go do n-now?" He sobbed..

" I-i have n-no one.." He cried.

" not true.." I held his cheeks up to look at me..

" even if we just met.. and I know nothing about you... You still have me.... Or else you wouldn't have a shoulder to cry on..". I smiled weakly at him.

He nods quietly as he holds in his sobs again..

" I'll get you water.." I say a so left his side to the fridge..

I grabbed a water bottle and gave it to him. Then after, I took out my phone and turned around to the living room while he sat down on the stool in the kitchen.

I leaned on the couch as I make a call to the hospital..

" hello-"

" what the hell happened.." I try to speak calmly but I couldn't hold back my curses.

" excuse me who is this?" I hear the voice..

" the woman who visited Jeon sumi today.. I heard about her death and I was wondering how... How did she die?" I gritted my teeth.

" she had a stroke... And In her condition.... She couldn't handle the strength of the stroke... That led her to a heart attack." She explained while I cupped my mouth.. ...

" really?" I gasp.

" yes.." She said and I turned off the phone.. It dropped out of my hand..

Then just at that moment I felt two hands making its way around my waist to the front as my breath hitches at the closeness..

I really couldn't do anything due to the death of his sister..

His chin goes on my shoulder as his arms push my back against his chest.. 

" I don't know what to do...." he whisper next to my ear.

I didn't know what to do... I tried to help...

there's nothing I can possibly do now..

I shook my head giving him a sign that I don't know. His arms tightens as I feel his muscle flex...

Jungkook's pov~

I don't know why...

I don't know how....

I've always been independent... I can kill numerous of people without sparing their lives, but I come to comfort of a girl I just met two days ago? I haven't have anyone hug me in a long time, my sister couldn't because she is always hospitalized..

I'll wait...✅Where stories live. Discover now