On the floor (Tom's POV)

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I fumble for my keys, struggling to turn them in the lock. Finally I hear a click, and Haz and I stumble through the door, collapsing in a heap on the floor. "I think we've had a bit to much to drink," I slur, giggling the whole time. Haz turns to look at me and laughs. As he does so his eyes linger and we lock our gazes. His deep, piercing, blue eyes pull me into his face, making me unable to look away. Finally he averts his gaze, struggling to get off the floor and maintain his balance.

"Yeah, I think I might have had one too many pints," he finally responds, burping loudly.
"ONE too many?!?" I scoff, indignantly. "I think maybe 4 or 5!" He laughs again.

He shuffles to the kitchen, using the wall to keep him upright, and opens the door. "Do we have anything to eat?" he asks, rummaging through the fridge.

"No I don't think so... we just got back from Canada and I haven't had a chance to get groceries," I respond. Haz shuffles back into to the entryway where I'm still lying on the floor, my head throbbing.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one who had a bit to much beer," Haz remarks, offering a hand to pull me up. I take it, but when I try to stand we both fall again, my body landing on top of his. This feels right, I think to myself, but I quickly shake the thought away. I press my arms into the floor, lifting myself into push up position over Haz, and look down at him. We make eye contact and both burst out laughing again, after which I roll over onto my back next to him.

"You know Tom, I really love you," Haz says, his snickering taking all the sincerity out of his words. "You're my best mate."

"Does this mean... that I'll... be the best man at your wedding?" I barely manage to say as tears stream down my face from laughter.

All of a sudden, Haz turns serious and says, "No, I was actually hoping for you to be the groom." My heart leaps to my throat and stops beating. I look over at him and am drawn back into his eyes, and my heart starts again, this time racing at 1000 beats a minute. I feel my ears get blazingly hot as we stare at each other, this time not laughing at all.

"Haz don't you bullshit me," I whisper, feeling myself start to get aroused, trying to suppress my emotions in the likelihood he was just messing around. I get up off the floor and go to lie on the couch, trying to distance myself from my biggest weakness: Harrison.

It had always been that way ever since we were kids. I started to notice my feelings right around 2nd grade, when all the boys at recess would chase girls around the schoolyard, I would only want to chase Harrison. Then as we grew older, my feelings evolved. I started steeling glances of his bare chest in the locker room when we changed for PE, and felt jealous of the girls he talked to. I never told a soul about how I felt, but I suspected he'd always known based on how I looked into his eyes. Because he'd never said anything, I assumed he wasn't interested, but now I was hopeful.

He follows me to the couch and lies down beside me and whispers into my ear, "I meant what I said Tom," his breath tickling the side of my face. My heart starts to race again as he draws closer, his lips parting just so as they reach mine.

Then, alarm bells go off in my head. Something about this doesn't feel right. We're too drunk, he would never think of me like this, we can't, not tonight. I speak up, "Harrison, I can't do this. Not like this, not..." I don't even finish my sentence before his lips come into contact with mine, his tongue slipping into my mouth better than any girl before him has ever done it.

I push him away. "I said no!!! Get off me Harrison!" I know I've fucked up but I can't go back now. His betrayed look tells me everything I need to know.

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