Fuck (Tom's POV)

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Harrison and I get into the car and speed off, and before we can even make it out of the parking lot my phone rings. It's my agent. "FUCK!!" I yell as loud as I can, scaring Harrison. I answer it and listen to what he has to say, "uh huh, yep, thanks," I respond. I hang up the phone and turn to look at Haz, devastated to see tears streaming down his face and his neck, his hands shaking at his sides, unable to wipe them away.
I pull over in a safe place, and put my hand on his leg. "We're gonna be ok... look at me Haz. LOOK AT ME!!" I've never raised my voice like that at him in my life, and I immediately regretted it, but he lifted his head up and stared into my eyes nevertheless. "My agent said we can play this two ways but whatever way we go I want you to be complete on board," I reassure him. "We can either deny deny deny, until it blows over - haha, blows -" I say, winking at him, "or we can own it and go public, but we can't know how people will react."
Haz shudders at the mention of the possible reaction, and I cup his face with my hand, wiping away a remaining tear with my thumb. "I'm not ready Tom," he says. "You already have an established career but I might never find a gig if people know I'm gay... we should let this pass and stay low-key for awhile. Maybe I'll go to Spain with friends instead of with you to Comicon."
"I'd be very sad not to have you with me but if that's what you feel is right I'll support that," I respond. But seeing Haz vulnerable like this makes me feel some type of way, and my hand on his leg creeps closer and closer to his crotch, ready to relieve him of some stress...

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