{Part Eleven} Fight

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"What the fu-" Eddie starts obviously confused but before he can finish Josh swings a punch at him,
"sorry eddie" He whispers and runs towards Ben

"Leave him the fuck alone Josh I'm warning you" she shouts raising a plank of wood above her head, Josh turns to her and sighs deeply,
"I don't hit girls." He states
"Well I hit boys" she yells smashing the plank down onto his head. He falls and glares at Richie who is now standing above him.
"Little" kick "piece" kick "of" kick "trash" kick. Josh turns bright red and jumps to his feet,
"Your dead Tozier" He shouts running towards him and swinging a mighty punch across his face, making Richies nose bleed. Mike runs forward and attacks him with his bare fists, leaving his knuckles bloody. Eddie gasps at how strong Mike is, Josh's face was really messed up!

Beverly starts kicking him again and everyone else joins in. Bill glances to the side and admires Stans tongue that was sticking out the corner of his mouth out of concentration. Then starts to kick once more.
"Alright, alright," Josh stumbles "leave me alone man." As he pulls himself up he glances worryingly at Henry who was laughing his ass off. And he runs off down the kissing bridge.
Henry and the rest of his followers stand up and walk towards the Losers,

"You put up at good fight, well done." Henry says laughing and they turn to leave down towards town.

Eddie POV

"What just happened...?" Stan says first glancing at me and then to Richie.

"I... don't know..." I say, looking glum.

"Josh is a t-t-twat" Bill says gaining the approval of everyone in the circle. I catch Richies eye and we exchange tired, sympathetic looks.
"I agree" Beverly nods
"I second that" Ben replied
"Third it" Mike said
"Forth" I nod, not breaking eye contact with Richie
"Fifth" he mumbles,
"Totes" Stan agrees, cracking a smile.

"Dude you totally ruined out streak!" Richie yells breaking into a giggle which makes everyone else crack up. And soon everyone was laughing like everything was normal, like we weren't all bloody, like nothing ever happened.

After we all calmed down I began to stand up,
"I better get going now" I grabbed my inhaler and stuffed it into my back pocket, Richie got up as well, talking about how he would walk me back as he only lived a couple of doors down, but really we all knew it was because of Josh and Henry.

"Come on Ed's, your moms waiting for me" he says while walking quickly away.

"Bye guys! Thanks so much." I shout while running to keep up with Richie.

"Do you think they know they love each other" Bev sighs and cracks a glorious grin.

"They'll find out some day..." Mike laughs.

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