{Part Twenty-nine} The End.

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WARNING: Sadness.

The next few hours went by in what felt like a few minutes. Richie couldn't remember when the other losers showed up, he just remembers breaking out of his trance and seeing Bev holding his hand with Bill and Stan asleep in the chair opposite him. Ben brought him a coffee which he took gratefully, thanking him as he went and sat next to Beverly, leaning on her shoulder. At one point he remembers Mike arguing with the receptionists about something he wasn't paying attention to. Mike also then dozed off on the floor. A while later he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket alerting him to all the missed calls and worried texts from the others. He looked at the time, squinting at his bright phone screen, 2:47. He stood up for the first time in five hours and looked around. The Losers Club were all fast asleep around him. All except one, the smallest of the group, the cleanest, the hypochondriac. The one Richie loved more than anyone in the world. The one that was probably only a few doors away from them, but miles away. Eds. A choke brings him to sob harder then he has ever done. Collapsing onto his knees, this wakes Stanley up and he falls to the boys comfort. They're too young for this shit.

"Mr Tozier?" Richie ears perk up and sees a doctor standing with a clipboard. He runs up to him Stan close to his side. "We have been unable to contact Sonia Kaspbrak at this time of night. We have been able to save Mr Kaspbrak but he is in what we believe is a short-term coma. He may wake up in the next few hours or next few weeks if he wakes up at all, I'm afraid at this point we can't be too sure. Visiting hour is from 7am-5pm but we will allow one of you to sleep in his room incase he wakes up. Only one person Mr Tozier." He glances behind Richie to the now wide awake others. Richie nods and heads back to the group.

"It should be you Richie, you were the one that was there with him the whole time, you called the ambulance." Mike says looking at the others nodding in approval.

"No. It should be me." A voice sounds from behind them. Could Josh of picked a worse moment to come back into their lives. "You obviously couldn't save Eddie earlier Richie so why should you get to sit by him. For all we know it was probably you that killed him." Ben stands up with his fists clenched together.

"Leave Josh." He grumbles pointing at the double doors.

"Fine but I'll be back and you know it. Back off Tozier Eddie loves me not you." Josh hisses and stalks off out the hospital. The Losers sigh and turn their attention to Richie once more, who is pacing angrily.

"Go Richie. Be there for him." Bill states but Richie is already gone by the end of his sentence.


Richie POV

Eddie looks pale, his hair is wet from sweat, his eyes shut and lifeless. I placed my bag on the floor and made my way over to the small sofa. I tried to avoid looking at him. I just want him to sit up and shout at me 'YOU JUST GOT PRANKED' and then point out the cameras in the room. The losers would walk in laughing about it and they would never let me live it down. I wouldn't mind though I would have my Eddie back.

I grasped his hand and said things to him. The doctors said that speaking to him might help. I just rambled on about something stupid. I placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek and the door swung open like it was waiting for me to do so. The evil woman herself, the one who did this to Eddie stood there. I've never felt anger like I did then. But I just glared at her and pressed the 'Call the nurse' button. A few moments later a nurse appeared.

"Excuse me Ma'am but this woman is the person who tried to kill Eddie. She force fet him these pills that made him like this!" I fished out of my pocket the pill bottle I found in their cupboard and handed them to the woman. She read the ingredients her eyes widening so, before gaping at me. Sonia gave me a death stare while accusing me of lying and cheating. The nurse had heard enough however and demanded that she was to leave the room.

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