{Part Twenty-two} Disgrace to the human race

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Two weeks later

Bills POV

Eddie missed school the whole of last week and hadn't been in contact with any of the losers over the weekend. Although we called and called and even confronted his mother about his absence she simply denied everything and shut the door on us. So when Eddie appeared Monday morning pale and sad, we knew something was up.

"Hi guys." He said plainly at lunch on Monday before sitting down at our table between Richie and Stan.

"Hey Eds!" Richie said a little too enthusiastically as he flinched dramatically.

"Where have you been?" Mike asked carefully, trying not to upset Eddie.

"Yeah we've been trying to reach you all week!" sighed Beverly knowing that something was really wrong. We all then looked at Eddie, waiting for him to answer.

"I-its nothing guys just my mom.." He didn't have to carry on as we all knew she was probably complaining that he was sick and put him on bed rest all week. Bev gave him a sympathetic glance out the corner of her eye and we all went back to our previous conversations about homework and movies etc etc until the bell for end of lunch rang and we said our goodbyes.

"Um S-stan can I talk to y-y-you?" I said as soon as the bell went but he blanked me and moved straight past me to his lesson with out any eye contact. "Stan!" I shouted "Two w-weeks, two fucking weeks! C-can you p-lea-se talk t-to me!" With my stutter getting worse by the second I wait for an answer but when I don't get one from the boy I decide that there is nothing I can do. If he wants to talk to me he can. I can't make him, so I stalk off down the corridor to my lesson.


Eddies POV


Tick tock, tick tock

30 minutes 20 minutes , 10 minutes . God time goes so slow.

"A watched pot never boils Eddie-bear!" I hear my mothers voice in my head nagging at me but decide that the best thing to do is try at least to do some work.

"Stan whats the answer to question 6?" I ask my busy partner

"I don't know Eddie its almost the end of the lesson just skip the question." He replies

Oh Shit

I was supposed to be there five minuets ago

"Mr Brandon!" I say while gathering my things together "Can I be excused? Urr doctors.. appointment.." I don't have a doctors appointment but it's the best thing I can think of on the spot and I need to be there asap. Plus no teachers question me as I have them so often.

"Yes Mr Kaspbrak hurry along." He replies not lifting his head from his book and I flee out the classroom and run down the steps to the east-wing toilets. I knock twice, then three times, then once and the toilet door swings open, we made that secret knock when a freshmen walked into the toilets by accident.

"Hey" Josh mutters quietly.

"Hiya" I say back but before he can even complain about me being late I press my lips on his and we make out for a solid ten minutes before we break apart. He pulls out a marker and goes to the toilet stall and graffitis a 4th tally mark next to the others. I don't know why he does it, it will look more impressive after a while I think but its only been a few days, no need to get ahead of myself. I turn my gaze away from him and onto the mirror I am standing in front of. I flatten my static hair. We stand in silence for a few minuets until he breaks the silence in the worse way possible.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Shit shit shit shit shit

"I thought we said no strings attached Josh." I reply in the calmest way I can

"But Eds-"

"DON'T call me that" I look at him so fast I could of broken my neck with the sharp movement,

"I really like you Eddie." I stare into his beautiful eyes, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel anything for Josh, but it's not the right time.

"If you had caught me any day but today, I would be in your arms right now. It's not the right time Josh." I say getting right to the point, "One day maybe, but not today." and with that I leave the bathroom hoping I didn't just crush his heart, hoping that same time, same place tomorrow we will continue what we started.


Beverlys POV

I sit on the freezing wall, my thighs wincing at the sudden change of temperature and with shaking hands I pull the pack of cigs out my pocket flicking it open and pulling one out with my teeth in a swift rehearsed motion. I light it with the lighter Ben got for me for our 1 month anniversary and inhale a large breath of the sweet 'cancer stick' as Eddie likes to call them. It's rare for me to be alone while smoking but Richie couldn't get out of his lesson so I'm stuck alone. Not that I mind, I was once alone all the time and learnt to get used to it. A familiar figure walks to my SSS (secret smoking spot) and sits next to me pulling out a cigarette.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I ask the disgrace of the human race next to me.

"Just so happens I smoke as well don't take it personally." he looks hurt, heartbroken almost but that douche doesn't deserve my sympathy.

"Josh fuck o-" I start but I stop as soon as I see a pack of Camels next to him "are those yours?"

"Yeah," He says and it all clicks in my brain "why?"

"Are you and Eddie..?" As soon as I say this I regret it but his laugh distracts me from the stupid question. He's snorting with laughter it bellows out him loud and clear. After a few seconds he wipes his tears of laughter on his sleeve.

"Your a good old detective Beverly" He smirks "How'd you guess? Hickeys? The sneaking off?"

"Cigarettes." I say looking blankly at no where in particular.

"Hm. Good conversation Beverly, you'll hear more from me very soon." He jumps off the wall and winks at me before slowly walking away, he knows that I'm watching him go.

"I'm going to tell Eddie you know." He stops mid stride and turns to face me, opens his mouth as if to say something but decides against it as he turns back around and walks off back towards school.

Piece of shit, what does Eddie see in him. And with that thought I drop my cigarette bud on the floor, and walk back to class.

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