Alternative ending

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(A/N: Welp, this is it- the last thing I'm going to write for this fanfiction. I've already said my thank yous but I just going to say it one more time thank you so much for reading this and voting and commenting, I read everyone's comments and you guys are so great. I'm sorry I went for the more depressing ending but I'm good at writing angst and I thought this was a bit cringe, but for all you fluff lovers I present to you...)

Reddie- alternative ending:

Richies POV

I woke up early this morning in case my mother comes into my room. I left Eddie to sleep though, he looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb him. It was 8.43 and I was pacing around the bathroom panicking.

Just do it Richie, ask him out! What's the worse thing that could happen?! He could say no. But he won't! Beverly said he would say yes! What does Beverly know? He kissed you Richie for fucks sake stop being a pussy! This could ruin our friendship! But it will eat you up inside if you don't tell him! And if you won't, maybe he will ask YOU out, and god knows that you are not prepared for that, FUCk I'm over thinking this, it's EDDIE for fucks sake, even if he says no we can work through it, he'll tell the losers about it and they will all leave you forever. You will be alone and helpless. Don't do it. Do it. No. Yes. No! Yes!

"Shit I'm not ready for this."

"Ready for what?" I jump at the voice before relaxing after seeing the boys small figure in the doorway. I'm about to make up some dumb lie when my Mothers voice bellows up the stairs.

"RICHIE GET YO ASS OUTTA BED I'M GOING OUT" She yells, I can practically smell the vodka on her breath from here.

"I'M UP MA CALM YE TITS" I yell back twice as loud and silently apologize to Eds when he covers his ears with his sleeves. I hear the front door swing open and shut and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Sorry Eds." I shrug walking back into my room, my heart beating faster as I realise why I was so nervous.

Eddie sits down on the bed and picks up a comic I left on the side flicking through it slowly, like he's waiting for something to happen.

"E-eds?" I mumble, taking a seat next to him,

"Yeah Chee?" He speaks softly not even lifting his head from the WonderWoman comic.

"Do you wanna, I dunno go out with me? Like on a date? Or not? Nevermind forget I said anything." I stand up and begin to walk out the room and die when a small, soft hand grips my wrist.

I look behind me and two big bambi brown eyes stare back at me, a sloppy grin going so perfectly with them, and both complimenting the freckles dancing around his cheeks.

"Of course I do Rich."  He breathes out and before I can proceed I feel the other hand land on my neck and pull me down towards him. I hold my breath once again as our lips connect and my eyes fall closed absorbing the sweet taste of minty toothpaste and Eddie natural candyfloss taste. It feels like I'm flying and the whole world melts away as our mouths move in sync with each others.  We only pull away to take a breath and we're both panting like crazy.

"Wow," I say smiling "This is awkward.." I carry on, my smile only growing as I watch Eds eyebrows furrow and nose scrunch up.

"What?" He asks looking scared.

"How the hell am I supposed to explain this to Mrs K?! I'm supposed to be meeting her in" I glance at my wrist (which has no watch on it) "15 minutes!" Eddie smacks my arm and tries to pretend like he's mad but really, I can see his grin peaking through.

"Well done dipshit you ruined the moment." He says giggling. God I could listen to that for . hours.

"So we had a moment?" I wiggle my eyebrows and laughing receiving a light shove from the smaller boy. I fall dramatically and start coughing, pretending to die,

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