{Part Twenty-one} Sonia

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(Warnings: homophobia, abuse, general sadness & anger)

Eddies POV

"I'm really glad you finally came out," Bev starts as we walk home together, this is about an hour after I told everyone what had been weighing down on me for the last couple days.

"Finally?" I ask

"Well me and Ben.. never mind actually." She looks frustrated but I don't want to question it. I give her a puzzled look anyway and she sighs. "It's just like, me and Ben, when we went looking for your inhaler we urr," she hesitates on whether she should tell me or not, I can see the conflict on her face. "We found a pack of cigarettes." She stops and looks at me, I hold my breath, panic rushing through my veins as I meet her eyes. I start walking, my face flustered. "We thought it was Richies." she says still standing there which makes me have to stop and face her.

"Its-a-um-long-" I start, mumbling awkwardly.

"But its not Richie's" She says still working it out as she speaks, ignoring what I'm saying. I see my house just in the distance, so close yet so far.

"That's what we couldn't work out," She continues "whose cigarettes are they Eddie?" She asks. A few seconds fly by and I.. and I still don't know what to do.

"Fuck, Beverly. I can't tell you right now" I sigh facepalming mid-sentence.

"Okay Eddie, but when you can, come find me." She says, finishing the conversation.

"How are you and Ben?" I ask hoping that she will forget what we were talking about.

"We're good actually" she gleams. "We had a really good date the other day we went-" I smile and listen to her talk about her bowling date with Ben last week, happy the spotlights off me, and as we approach my house finally, I kind of wish we had more time to talk, but I see my mother inside glaring out waiting for me so I say goodbye.

"Bye bevy-wevy" I laugh pulling her into a firm hug,

"Bye Eddie-spaghetti" She says hugging back, I walk to my doorstep and I push open the door and wave behind me. I step into my house after a long day of school, and honestly, I just want to eat dinner and go to bed. But Mom had other plans.

"Eddie-Bear, your late! I was ever-so-worried" She says hugging me, I pulled away quickly and slammed my bag on the table. "Now Eddie-bear, do you have something you want to tell me? Like who that was outside..?" she smirks at me and I cringe.

"Mommy that's Beverly you've met her before." I say while unlacing my shoes.

"Yes, yes, I remember. Is she your girlfriend?" As soon as she says this my whole body tenses up.

"No Mommy!" I scoff.

"Hm because that was a very sensual hug, are you lying to me Eddie?" she says her tone turning into a menacing snarl.

"No Mommy! She's not my girlfriend! That-that would never happen, its-its impossible!"

"Eddie-bear" she steps closer to me, staring right into my eyes, "you know what happens when you lie,"

"MOMMY! I'm not lying!" I shout, only she can get me this angry.

"EDDIE GO TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT THIS MINUTE !" she yells pointing at the stairs

"Mommy!" I plead

"NOW!" a wave of anger bubbles through my whole body, and regretfully anger comes with confidence.

"MOM IM GAY" I yell and she steps back in shock, her face turning from shocked to angry to her normal expression.

"No you're not Eddie-bear, don't be silly, your just sick that's all, we will go to the hospital tomorrow and get you checked up." She places her hand on my shoulder and nods knowingly

"No mommy," I whisper "I like boys mommy"

"No son of mine is going to be a fag!" and before I can respond she raises her hand and slaps me across my face knocking me to the ground. "GO TO YOUR ROOM" she yells again and kicks me in the ribs wiping all the air from my body. With immense pain I crawl to the stairs and run up to my room, locking the door behind me. I collapse onto my bed sobbing, my cheek bruising by the second. The pain on my side only now setting in while my sobs turn to hiccups.

I hate my mother.


My alarm clock rings 7 so I shut it off and start to get ready for school. I pull my clothes on carefully trying not to knock my side but failing miserably and yelping in pain.

"Shit!" I shout when I do it for the 4th time.

"Language Eddie-bear!" My mother says while trying to open my bedroom door. "Eddie come open the door will you darling." She angers me, how can she just pretend that nothing happened! I reluctantly open the door now standing face to face with the monster I live with.

'No no no eddie-bear, no school for you today." She says while shaking her head "Now to make you better, I got up super early and got you these special pills!" She hands me a large pill bottle I've never seen before.

"Make me better? Sonia you can't fix me!" her eyes widen at the use of her first name.

"Eddie, call me mommy. Now take the pill" she says through gritted teeth.

"No." I say and I slam my door walking back into my room. She opens it and grabs my wrist, pulling me closer to her. With her teeth and spare hand she opens the pill bottle and gets one out. She then lets go of my wrist and I make a break for it out the door but I don't get very far as she grabs my hair and pulls me back. I squeal and she gets the horrible yellow, round pill in her hand and forces it into my mouth.

"Swallow Eddie." She hisses and I do, scared to find out what would happen if I didn't. "Good boy." and with that she leaves my room locking the door behind her.

(A/N: Sorry!!!! But shits going downnnnnnnn, whoops! Keep up the votes and comments!xxxx xoxo)

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