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Nikki's Diary:

WOW! Talk about a long day!

So it all started this morning when I woke up 50 MINUTES AFTER my alarm clock rang!

NIKKI: "I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!"

I repeated over and over as I brushed my teeth, showered and then got dressed (all within 10 minutes). I knew that I had one hour to get to the airport terminal before my band (and friend) leave on a plane without me. And I know that there is NO WAY that Dad would drive 1317 miles for 19.5 hours in his roach van across the east coast.

But luckily he is willing to drive me and my bags 5 miles to the airport.

I arrived 30 minutes before takeoff. I said goodbye to Dad and carried my bags as I ran through a crowded airport like Kevin Mccallister (the only difference  being that I am ACTUALLY going to Florida and I won't accidentally take some flight to New York City). I made it to the right terminal and boarded the plane.

For some reason my friends were nowhere to be found, and then I checked my ticket to be on the safe side. I was supposed to be sitting in the first class cabin instead of the third class.

OMG, This cabin was stunning! It had comfortable seats, clear windows and not a crying baby in sight. I remember last summer I spent a HORRIFIC ninety minutes on a flight to Indiana trapped sitting next to Brianna as she cried after putting on her life vest and screaming about a water landing (It's a long story...).

I was the last member to arrive as

Brandon ♥, Theo and Marcus were sitting together


Chloe and Zoey were sitting together, the best part is that they reserved the window seat just for me. I have the greatest BFFs in the world! (Also BFFs that are afraid of heights...)

Oh it looks like I forgot to mention someone, the final member of our vacation crew.

MAXWELL: "Sorry I'm late guys, whoops looks like there's no seats left."

ATTENDANT: "That's okay sir, there's a seat available at the front of the cabin next to those two young girls."

MAXWELL: "Oh, thanks. Anyway guys enjoy the flight."

Maxwell took his seat at the front of the cabin next to two blonde girls.

We were at the back of the cabin and it sucks that we all couldn't sit together.

I gazed out of the window and thought about the vacation, the fact that I'm going back home to Miami, the singing contest, Paris and all of the memories that await me this summer.

I originally had planned to sleep on the plane but I was way too excited to show my friends around Florida!

After a long flight, we finally arrived at Miami International Airport. After a whole year of living in Westchester, I'm visiting my former home. 

Once the plane had docked at the terminal, we left our cabin and the plane. Everyone looked happy and excited (except for Maxwell for some reason is he scared of flying or something?).

At the airport there were 2 guys decked out in black suits holding a pretty long banner with our pretty long band name on it 'ACTUALLY I'M NOT REALLY SURE YET' (another pretty long story).

We couldn't hold back our excitement as we were guided to a limousine

"SQUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Me, Chloe and Zoey all squealed.

Next we entered through the back doors of the limo and once again this place looked stunning! We were living it up.

CHLOE: "This is so cool!"

ZOEY: "We're in an actual limo, like actual celebrities!"

THEO: "Man this is the rockstar life."

MARCUS: "You can say that again bro."

MAXWELL: *Sigh* "Limos..."

BRANDON: "Yeah, I'm not a fan either..."

All except for Maxwell and Brandon ♥ who both didn't seem too happy for SOME reason. Do they not like limos or something? Now that I think about it, Maxwell did say something about feeling uncomfortable in them and Brandon didn't want to ride back in the limo after the dance.

Gazing outside of the tinted windows whilst travelling down the Dolphin expressway before reaching the MacArthur Causeway filled me with a sense of nostalgia. Especially when we passed the Pérez Art Museum. It's upsetting that they relocated from their old building in 2013, because that's where I was inspired to become an artist in the first place. But the new building still looks great as well!

We crossed Watson Island and passed Terminal Island. Following this was a trip down Dade Boulevard and 23rd street before we reached the beach.

Enough explaining I'm tired after a long day of travelling and I've finally finished unpacking. Our hotel is 5 stars and it takes a 5 minute walk to go to the nearest beach. We each have our own separate rooms with an ocean view.

*Yawn* I'm so tired I.....h.ope.....I...don't.......f.a...l.l....asle.....e.p......

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