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Nikki's Diary:

Today I decided to go shopping at the mall with Chloe and Zoey. We just had to buy really cute outfits for the contest next week.

CHLOE: "OMG you guys look so cute!"

Chloe squeeled with excitement.

ZOEY: "You think we look cute? Look at yourself girlfriend!"

NIKKI: "Anyway girls the contest's first round draw is being held this Saturday. It's just so exciting and I wonder who we're competing against?"

I'm just so eager to find out what will happen.

CHLOE: "It could be anybody. It could be Little Miss Lip Gloss, it could be her lapdog Jessica or it could even be that guy who helped us in Miami. Andy I think his name was?"

NIKKI: "André."

ZOEY: "Oh so you know him?"

NIKKI: "Kinda, but don't worry it's not a romantic kind of friendship but rather a shared interest in art."

ZOEY: "Who said anything about you being friends?"

NIKKI: "Well, we're kinda acquaintances right now but I would probably consider him to be a friend."

I explained even further what the big deal was.

CHLOE: "Cool, but remember that he could become your biggest enemy in this contest."

NIKKI: "Actually guys, here's a thought. What if we were placed against each other? Or even our boyfriends? Would our friendship last or would it be ruined?"

The possibilities of who could be against one another flooded my mind.

ZOEY: "Nikki, that is the stupidest thing that you have ever said. Of course we will remain as BFFs no matter what. It stands for BEST FRIEND FOREVER you know."

CHLOE: "I second that, nothing can tear us apart."

We then embraced in a group hug.

But that is worth thinking about...

What if I was placed against one of them?
What if I was placed against André?
What if I was even placed against Brandon?

What happens if I lose?
What happens if I win?

I have no idea. But there's only one way to find out and that's through this contest.
Bring on the draw on Saturday, because I'm ready to win against anyone you throw at me.

Ya hear me life?! I'm ready to win!

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